Does anyone else find it hard to picture having an actual baby?

@sistrin Similarly, as a 25 year old fresh out of law school in my first legal job, I feel like I’m crazy for wanting a child this time next year. Me? A child myself? With a BABY? Insanity.

I think it’s one of those things that you just grow into when it happens (if you want to). Plenty of people I could never imagine as parents are doing it and pretty dang well.

Just know you’re not alone!
@mitoch0ndria True - seeing my friends become moms lately, I do have some to look to that (self-admittedly) had no idea what to do with babies, couldn’t picture them with a kid either, and they’re fabulous moms
@sistrin Yes. Yes, yes, and yes. My boyfriend (27M) and I (29F) are a bit younger than you but we feel the exact same way!

We never say when, only if, but we talk about if we have a baby quite alot. We have some great trips planned this summer and my boyfriend has even said “hey we can probably go on trips like this if we have a baby and survive until toddler stage”. We both do want a baby but it’s just CRAZY to think about it being real.
@sistrin THIS!! No other words, just THIS!! It's still mind boggling to me, who put me in charge of this? We start trying in May and the closer it gets I'm like this can't be real life... this is all just fantasy right... lol
@sistrin I can relate I still couldn’t picture/ believe it while in the hospital 😂 IN LABOR 😂 and then when my OB said look down! And I saw my daughter and my mind was like “OMG A BABY”

😂😂 so don’t worry. That feeling doesn’t go away until you legit see them haha

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