Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr I just got mine back last month.. which I am so sad about that but my toddler is 21 months old and I breastfeed on demand which is anything between 2-5 times a day and throughout the night.
@olivemcr I’m at 14 months pp and no sign of it yet. We nurse maybe 3-4 times a day plus whatever overnight (we cosleep so I’m not entirely certain but he’s definitely not night weaned). I’m the last of my friends with babies my babe’s age to not get a period but I’m not exactly upset about it. From what I understand it’s still solidly within the realm of normal
@olivemcr I had nearly 5 years between periods. I got pregnant with the second when the first was 20 months without ever getting my period back. It came back when number 2 was 20ish months.
@olivemcr My daughter is almost 16 month. Had my first (very heavy period) last month. No sign of it coming again yet.

She still feeds at night and sometimes during the day.

Can't say I was delighted. I was rather enjoying nearly 2 years without it... and the one I have had was the heaviest I've ever had... I felt like 8 was having g to learn all over again how to manage it.
@olivemcr After each of my two kids, I went almost two years without a period. It’s probably not very common in our society because few mothers nurse as long as I did (2 years 4 months and 3 years 3 months), but it’s perfectly normal.
@olivemcr My baby is 10.5 months, so a bit younger than yours, but my period still hasn't returned. My OBGYN told me at my annual appointment this past August that some people don't get it back until they completely stop breastfeeding.
@olivemcr Mine is 15 months and I got mine back a month ago, it tracked pretty well with when she went down to just nursing at bedtime and in the morning. I don’t think you need to worry, especially if he’s still nursing a fair amount!
@olivemcr Mine came back 4 days after we stopped night feeding at 11 months pp. Still nursing 2-3X a day at 14 months now, but I am pregnant again lol. I think night feeds can be a large culprit for it returning or not.
@olivemcr For my 1st, I weaned my baby at 12 months and only got my period back 6 months later. My doctor told me it was on the longer end, but still considered normal. I had lost a ton of weight due to breastfeeding and I think that’s why it took so long as well.

Anything between 1 months pp and 2 years is normal from what I understood… not really helpful I know.
@olivemcr With all of my kids, it has taken 16 months for my period to return. I also don’t think it’s an issue with nutrition. I think that’s just how my body works. All my kids gained weight normally & I didn’t have any adverse health effects either.
@olivemcr It all seems so different person to person! Because of C-section complications, I only had a week of no bleeding before my period came back at 14w PP, but I’m struggling to ovulate and am ovulating really late in my cycle. 15 months PP now only feeding her twice a day and still not back to “normal.” Hopefully I’ll still be able to get pregnant soon!
@olivemcr 9 1/2 months and nothing here…we’ve started the very beginnings of weaning (down to 5-6 feeds a day from 11-12 at 6 months ish). He’s doing well with solids, goes about 8-9 hours a night without a feed…nothing. My nutrition is good but that’s a good question. We are heading back to our IVF clinic and can’t be nursing for the embryo transfer and my period needs to start so I’m getting a little anxious about it.
@olivemcr Mine didn’t comeback until 16 months pp and that was when we night weaned. It was supper irregular until we fully weaned at 24 months. Then came back like normal.

You can always chat with your doc but from my understanding it’s very body specific and how your body handles all those hormones.