Does anyone else have a completely healthy older kiddo that still wets the bed?

@mommabee68 You make a very good point! Professionals told us it’s normal so we should accept that. It can still be difficult not knowing or talking to anyone about it. Thanks for your experience
@mommabee68 Oh and you’re 100% correct on not saying anything. He’s reached a point where he won’t try to hide it (he went through that around age 9-10) but he does have a habit of not saying anything
@nyanmaru Some people are later than others. I use DDAVP and it's pretty effective but definitely not 100% effective unfortunately.

It might get better when he starts puberty. That happened to one of my friends but not to me. But you and your son and your family are definitely not alone. With the alarm it could be that his body wasn't ready, I tried it at his age but it didn't work but mid teens it was really good.
@nyanmaru Both my husband and my brother went the bed until they were 14. I have 7yo twins and one stopped wetting the bed at 5 and the other one still pees every night… it is what it is! Not stressing over it!
@gabbys I feel you. We’re not trying to stress over it either. Was just hoping it would be over but now. My wife’s brother wet the bed routinely until he was 15 and he’s completely healthy so I know it’s a thing
@nyanmaru Try not to despair. It might be less common above 9-10 like you said, but it's definitely a lot more common than people think. No one wants to talk about it because parents tend to blame themselves or find it uncomfortable to talk about, but it's no one's fault.

I'm trying to find the exact figures (I'll post when I find them) but I think it's something like 4-5% of 12 year olds still have that problem. 4% might not seem like a lot, but that's still 1 out of 25, plus if you ask doctors, it's twice as common in males, so that means at his age there's likely at least one other person in his class who has that problem.

He'll outgrow it when he's ready.

I'll find those exact percentages for you too.
@nyanmaru No problem at all!

I found some statistics & posted them here. Those are from a YouTube channel specializing in reviewing protection products for managing that problem with older kids, particularly for those who find GNs not absorbent enough. I know you said you've seen the stats, but I always find numbers and statistics helpful.

And absolutely! It's too bad it's something many people are uncomfortable discussing. Like I said, it seems like there's a stigma among parents so they don't want to discuss it almost because they blame themselves, which is crazy.
@nyanmaru Also, and I swear I'm not earning a commission from them, but if protection is a consideration, reusable products might be the way to go if it's a regular occurrence. Superundies in particular markets their product for that issue for all age groups.

They're a bit of a large upfront cost but in the long run you'd save a lot of money. Even if you're looking at (hopefully) at most a year before he outgrows it, you'd probably save a decent amount over disposables.

Again I swear they don't have me on payroll.
@nyanmaru Here's the link to the store for the reusable products I mentioned in my other comment.

I'm sure you didn't post here to get suggestions, so apologies but just want to be helpful.
@nyanmaru I have no idea. It just suddenly stopped after I had a very bad month of waking wet 80% of the time. All of a sudden I realized I was dry for the last week, then the last month and then the last year.
@nyanmaru My son is 11, he wet the bed every night. One night it just stopped randomly. He had maybe 3 accidents randomly since then but after that it's been smooth sailing.
@nyanmaru I had one around that age. None of the things the urologist recommended helped. Then kid got diagnosed with ADHD and started on meds it's a non-issue. Apparently, enuresis is fairly common with ADHDers be cause their brain doesn't get enough signalling from the bladder. Medication has helped that body-to-brain signalling.
@nyanmaru Late to this thread but I found it searching for others who have dealt with this. My son is 14 and still wets the bed often. He’s been going to a urologist for more than a yr. Meds haven’t really helped much. He’s going through puberty and growing a lot. He does have adhd and
Is a heavy sleeper. I have to remind myself he won’t do this forever and it’s not his fault. But good to know we’re not alone.

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