Does anyone else have a baby that will just wake upwards of 20 times a night?

@wren84 Our 11 month old has been waking hourly since 5 months. Around 10 months we finally started co-sleeping (thank goddess!). She’ll sometimes do longer stretches now but still suchhhh a frequent waker. Whyyyyyy🤯
@wren84 Yep. My son is 16 months old. He’s never ever slept more than 3 hours in a row in his whole life. And that only happened once. He wakes in the range of every 15-90 mins, through the night. All night. I’ve tried pretty much everything you can think of. We are now night weaning, on day 5 and although he no longer feeds overnight, he still wakes up just as much but takes water instead. Send help 🫠

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