Forced to use disposables for a few weeks--WHY DOES ANYONE DO THIS?!

@randomelement I had a loud and unexpected laugh at

“ Is it because the plastic-y material works like a little balloon, capturing his farts and slowly releasing it throughout the day? Is he just constantly dutch ovening himself?”

You poor thing!
@randomelement We are in disposables again right now to clear up a stubborn yeast rash. I hate it.

I mean... I like the convenience of not needing a wet bag when we are out... But we don't GO out.

I use honest company diapers and a very very small trash can in her room that literally gets taken out every day when we are in disposables. Typically I only empty it once a month bc it's usually just wetwipes and they don't take up much space...

I don't think she smells like poop all the time but I definitely think her pee smells more strong in disposables than cloth. And I am not looking forward to what I'm sure will be a huge poop blow out when she has her normal big afternoon poo...
@uksimon Do disposables help with rashes? Why would that be? Or do you use them because the creams aren't good for the diapers? My son (9mo) hasn't had a rash yet, but we hard to use disposables 1 week while we waited on a new washer to be delivered, and I felt like the disposables were worse for his skin.
@katrina2017 I only switch when it's yeast bc I don't want it to be having time to really get in every fiber. I tried to power through with cloth this time but it's been 3 weeks and it's not going away and I am tired of bleaching every wash day to kill it... So... Disposables to kick the yeast and bought myself a few days to do some extra sanitizing to make sure it's out of the cloth when we switch back. We are also going to attempt the 3 day potty training in about a month (she turns 2 at the end of the month and I think she will be ready for the real deal training by then... ).
@randomelement I hate the smell too! Personally the Hello Bello brand is much more tolerable for us stench-wise. I’ve also seen Coterie recommended a lot, but since we only buy a small pack here and there for ‘just in case’ days, they aren’t worth the cost to me.
@randomelement We used disposables on vacation last year and plan to do so when we go again this summer, but I don't like it! I know that's why they were invented in the first place, but ugh. We had our first blowout and OMG the smell! We have had our smell issues here and there with our cloth diapers but they're fixable and not nearly as bad as the chemical-ly smell of pampers. We're going to try a different brand this time, but I'm still not looking forward to it...
@ebioniterevival I cannot be bothered to buy disposables, so so far we’ve been to hotels, camping, flew and vacation homes with cloth diapers! There are downsides (they take up space and might have to do laundry on vacation), but so far it’s been totally.

Every time I think: we’ll do disposables on this trip and my husband is like: cloth is fine.
@andujartyler Yeahhh, we probably COULD do it. It's more a matter of just not wanting to do "chores" on a trip. Especially now, because we hardly ever do anything but chores these days. We were thinking of possibly bringing them this trip because we're driving, it's close to home, and the place we've rented has a washer/dryer right in the house but we'll see. I'm always afraid of leaving them in the bag too long and getting stains and stuff, as we usually wash like every 2-3 days. Also, if the washer sucks then we're stuck with like half washed diapers lol. We've got a while to decide, I'm probably thinking way too much into things...
@ebioniterevival Totally get it! We only wash every six days now 😂. So if we are leaving for 3-4, we just do laundry when we come back. For a week though, we always to wash our clothes anyway, so I’d rather do cloth dipaers.

I did bring our detergent when we went to the vacation home last time.
@andujartyler Omg, 6?! That's possible? Lol. I feel like my kid pees a ridiculous amount and the can gets stinky! Esp the overnight ones, we have to rinse those in the AM. Yuck. We'd probably have enough diapers to do maybe 4 days, tops. If we did a combo and used disposables sometimes and maybe overnight, we could obv go longer. We'll see what happens and what the babe is like by then.
@ebioniterevival The old overnight ones definitely don’t smell great, but nothing our wash routine cannot take care of!

My son was changed so frequently when he was little (max, max every two hours, more like every hour) so we had enough diapers for 3 days. Now that he is older, we change him less frequently so the same number of diapers last much longer. My stash is neither huge nor small; but we did a lot of fixing old diapers nobody wanted.
@andujartyler Yea, my guy is getting older but we still use quite a few. He's a pretty heavy wetter, always has been. Most of ours are used but seriously awesome job on rehabbing diapers! Skills I definitely do not and probably will never possess lol
@randomelement I have never had an issue with the smell, but literally every time we have to use disposables, it’s just blowout city!! Like poop just can go up the back so easily without the elastic back there. I cannot stand it!

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