Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

@afolabi1024 My nephew has a late birthday and will be 3 in a few months. However, the Prek that my brother and SIL used for their oldest only does two years, and in our district, you cannot start kindergarten unless you are 5 before September 1. They'll wait until next fall to start Prek, and he will always be older for his grade.

I think going out in public, to the library, to the grocery store, to mommy and me classes, etc. are all beneficial at this early stage, even if you aren't starting preschool later.
@afolabi1024 Depending on your state, instead of paying for preschool, your child may be eligible for transitional-kindergarten (t-k), which is paid for by the state.

And yes, my kids started preschool at 4 due to Covid precautions. Before that, they get their social exposure through parents and activities.
@afolabi1024 Just started with my 4 year old. He is so excited. So happy to be going but it has been a hard transition. The structure has been very challenging for him. Honestly I wish I had started him earlier or at least started him in any kind of structured class earlier, karate, gymnastics anything. Maybe at 5 starting K would be easier because he was more mature. School is assuring me this is normal for a kid his age who has never been in care. But I am definitely struggling with feeling I have failed him.
@afolabi1024 Yes 3 children under age of 5 here. My oldest started at 4y (1 full time school year) my middle child started at 3y (2 school years @ half a day) and my youngest I’m keeping her home until she goes into kindergarten. It all depends on their needs and your work schedule.
@afolabi1024 Fortunately my city has UPK so 3s and 4s is free full day school. But absolutely nothing wrong with waiting. School attendance is not required until 6 years old in my state.
@afolabi1024 You can skip altogether if you spend regular time with them teaching them how to count, the alphabet, shapes, size difference (big, small, tall, short, etc). That's all it is really. I didn't start any of my kids in K until 5 and they didn't have any formal Preschool except for like 5 minutes a day teaching them those basics.
@afolabi1024 Honestly, preschool is optional anyway so you’ll be ok either way!

I’ll be sending my two year old as she is delayed and her program ends at 3 but can be continued through the school district in preschool. Which is important to me!

But, that’s just what fits my own child’s needs! Everyone is different.
@afolabi1024 LO turned 4 in June and just started preschool. I didn't even know 3 year olds could go to preschool lol I started going to school in kindergarten when I was 5 going on 6 so this is all new to me.
@afolabi1024 We waited for our son until it was free at 4. He’s in the top of his class and quite social. It’s no issue not sending them if they seem normal and well adjusted. If you think they need more socialization or intervention for any learning/progression issues, you may want to do it but you could always find free or cheaper ways to that in the community.
@afolabi1024 We are starting preschool now at almost 4. It's the right time, before now would have been too early. He's so confident, well spoken and able to communicate for himself, and ready to go off on his own. A year ago? No. It would have only been a negative.
@afolabi1024 We started at 4 due to a late birthday. In fact she tuned 5 two weeks into the year. Our district cut off is July 31. It's been great, and I don't think she would have done well at 3/young 4. That being said all kids mature differently, and we got approved for lowered tuition for Pre-K, make sure you check out local programs even if you don't think you will qualify. We didn't qualify for any other aid, but it saved us hundreds.
@afolabi1024 I live in Florida where PreK is free for all 4 year olds, so we started right at 4. It was amazing and is helping a lot in Kindergarten this year. Personally I’d wait until 4. Any younger and it’s just essentially daycare.
@afolabi1024 I did, and even then we just did a co-op joy school, and now my new 6th grader is talking about how 8th grade math is too easy (and that’s after changing schools in 4th grade to a school that was two years ahead of her in curriculum so she had a HUGE chunk of learning to do in a short time period) - so there’s no need to worry if you don’t have two years of preschool ;) They’ll catch up and get where they need to be regardless.
@afolabi1024 My daughter skipped daycare completely until she started preschool at age 4 during the pandemic. The first half of that year she was doing preschool over zoom. She's now in 2nd grade and reads beyond her grade level, got bored with all the worksheets in 1st grade, and is at the top of her class.
A mom friend we do free forest school with has 2 older kids whose kids go to the same school and also didn’t go to preschool and they’re fine.
@afolabi1024 I’m waiting another year with my daughter. That’ll put her at 4. She’s not ready emotionally, mentally, or speech wise. She’s in OT and Speech at a therapy center multiple times a week. I don’t believe our local school resources would make up for what she’s gaining right now as is. So I’m going to give her the year to mature a bit more.
@afolabi1024 I started my older 2 girls at age 4, just two days a week and kindergarten/school was a breeze! I have a few friends with kiddos my youngest’s age and they are sending them to pre-k 3 and I felt some pressure and guilt but I know that that going at 4 has worked in my family! If cost was not a concern, I’d consider it tbh just to have her with little friends but it is so waiting the extra year helps!

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