I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

@katlin Nothing. I don’t understand the messaging on some of these parenting subreddits that you’re supposed to be in a bubble with just your partner for extended periods with babies. It’s shocking that a DHS worker would call being in the world dangerous for babies 😬
@tonipraise Yup. There’s unfortunately some parents that take the “life’s over” ribs from people seriously. If your kid is fairly healthy, I understand there are situations where they may not be or have other issues, then get the hell of of the house and live your life. Go to do stuff, travel, whatever.

Every day I love proving my one girlfriend wrong who rudely told me at my baby shower “You won’t have anytime for yourself once the baby is home”. Just knowing she’s simmering when she hears my husband and I go out of town on vacation with our baby gives me a bit of joy. I’ll post about it on Facebook for the purpose of her seeing it lol.
@katlin I have 2 kids and a puppy. I’m not out bar hopping, but we go out every single day. Activities are more kid oriented but still. My life wasn’t over with my 1st, having 2 under 2, or getting a dog. It’s fun.
@chikku4u I disagree. There is nothing wrong with doing most of these things with a baby. A 7 month old can go on long car trips just fine if the parents choose. It’s less normal to be home all the time and not go anywhere ever
@danmat777 We do take her places. Yesterday I carted her around all day to two separate family visits. I just don’t wanna put her on a boat or keep her out late or give her rice cereal right now and we want to wake up at home together on our first family Christmas.