2.5 weeks away from Maternity Leave, after which I will not be returning to the workforce. How did you turn your work brain off?

@summer63 I still check my email, generally theres nothing to do/respond to, sometimes read a newsletter there, and then I read the newspaper instead. It makes me feel connected to the outside world but if I skip it there’s no consequence.
@summer63 I finished a project that I didn’t enjoy right before maternity leave so I didn’t feel bad saying “bye it’s your problem now” lol. But then I gave birth and my brain had zero room to even think about work.
@summer63 I worked part time until two weeks ago and am now stay at home as I prepare for baby two. It took me over a year to no longer feel like my identity was tied to my job when I left full time. It took even longer to not feel ownership of how things worked at work even when I wasn't there. My husband has been so supportive of whatever I want work wise, but is so excited I was finally ready to make the leap.

It's tough and you do switch gears over time. The first year is the hardest when your little one doesn't have much as far as responses but now that my oldest is a toddler, I'm much more consumed mentally in what she is doing because there is more give and take.

It's a process and it's super hard but it sounds like your are used to always being "on" and you will find SAH parenting is similar with never ending demands 😆
@summer63 I turned it off when I got pregnant. It was so easy. I hated the 8-5 grind. Just train yourself to realize that caring for your baby IS the job. And people get paid to do that for parents who are working. So your work is valuable. Even if and when you are just sitting there watching them sleep!! ❤️