Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

@afolabi1024 My older two never attended preschool and are doing great in 1st and 3rd now. My youngest wants to start but I didn’t have everything ready, they start next week. Instead of rushing I talked with her dad and we’re going to wait until next year. She’s 3 birthday in February, she’ll be 4 when she starts.

We are planning on going to the library class weekly and she’s signed up for fall soccer. After soccer I’m thinking about a gym membership so we can go swim throughout the winter.
@darlene1 I like this. I'm considering signing him up for 1 hour of gymnastics next year. He'll get to socialize with kids his age and follow instructions from another adult, but it'll be 1/3 the cost of preschool. Also, we love our library storytimes.
@afolabi1024 We were going to wait until 4, but an opening happened at my friend's preschool and our boys are BFF. So he started at three. We lucked out because they potty trained him - he would not do it for us.

It's been great for my mental health since my kiddo is very attached to me and I got no breaks. Now I'm pregnant and just sleep until it's time to get him.

He's super enjoyed it (though had a hard time with me leaving him a first.)
Oh... he did spend the first year like always sick. Of he wasn't sick then we were sick because of it. They we'd get better and he'd be sick again. Just minor colds and stuff, but annoying all the same.
@afolabi1024 My daughter starts this fall. She has an October birthday so she's right on that line. Technically she will start at 3 but she will be 4 for the vast majority of her school year so in my mind we waited until 4. I am not worried at all. I think she's had a lovely time at home with me these last few years, and she will do splendidly in school making friends!
@afolabi1024 Mine’s about to start Kinder and never went to daycare or pre-k.

Between sports, the library, & lots of playground play dates, he’s had a ton of socialization. Organized sports have also taught him how to listen to his coach, follow commands, sit and wait his turn, etc.,

For Kinder “readiness” I read a list of skills kids should hopefully have when they start and I focused more on the social/emotional aspect, independent dressing, and hygiene—than on the academics.
@afolabi1024 I started my daughter at 4. I just enjoyed staying home with her and didn’t want to put her in school yet. My son however just turned 3 & I’m seriously considering putting him in preschool.. he’s way more of a handful

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