Did/does anyone’s 6 month old do 3/3/4?

@candy7 Naps are going great ever since we dropped to 2 naps. We started off with 3 hrs total day sleep on 2.5/3/3.5 and 3/3/3 and this week I’m attempting 3/3/3.5 for 2.5 hrs total day sleep. Each nap I wake her up at 1 hr and 15 min.

She used to only wake up for 1 night feed, about 7-9 hrs into the night. Everyone once in a while she slept 12 hrs straight. Now she wakes up 5 hrs in and then again 4 hrs later, which makes me worry it’s a schedule issue or reinforcing a bad habit. Sometimes after I feed her she doesn’t even go back to sleep right away, just coos for an hour or so.

She wasn’t formally sleep trained - she’s been a good night sleeper since newborn age and we just kind of helped her set the habit with the right routine, etc. Her last feed is 35 min away from bedtime. So I guess I’ll have to pick a STing method and apply it if no schedule fixes the issue.

Thanks for your response! Much appreciated.

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