Can really short women give birth ?


New member
Hi! I'm not planning on giving birth soon because I'm only 18. And I honestly don't even know if I ever will be able to. Pregnancy is almost like a phobia to me. But since I'm with a very good partner, I'm considering having a family with him. But the thing is that I'm a really short and tiny woman. My height is 1m43 (~4'6) and I weight around 35kg (~77 lbs). I stopped growing at 13 and I probably won't grow more. I also am really anxious at the thought of pregnancy. Doesn't seem like a enjoyable experience to me. It's probably normal at 18 to be scared by all that but yeah... The good part is that I have a really supportive partner. And I feel like raising children with him will be a good experience. I'm not afraid of raising children anymore. But pregnancy still scares me a lot. I read a little bit about dangers for short women giving birth and they say under 1m50 (~4'9) there can be problems of space for the baby and so it hurts even more and can be dangerous for the baby. I would like to know if there are any short women that can share their experience with me or professionals that know the answer to my question. Thanks for reading!
@thomasjames You can have a baby. Just be prepared for maybe needing a section. I am not short (5ft 4) but had a larger baby who'd run out of room and grew into his own shoulder. His skull had a good dent from it, but it's not visible now. Plus, think of pregnancies of multiple babies. Babies find a way. Get an idea of dad's size at birth as well from parents if you can. I wasn't told until after 😭

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