Did you really wait 6 weeks postpartum to resume exercise?

@lexiheigh Thanks for sharing! I had to stop running early in pregnancy due to pelvic pain so I’m already used to having to shift my workout to accommodate my changing body. I worked out right until I was induced at 41.5 weeks, but at that point it was walking at a snail’s pace with no incline. So at this point I’m just looking forward to moving a little faster than that!
@felicitys I'll be honest, I didn't wait. I had a two week postpartum check with my ob/gyn and she cleared me for light exercise. I exercised until the morning I went into labor, I had a tiny tear, quick recovery. I did some light upper body exercises, some core restoration/pelvic floor things, walking, nothing crazy.

I ended up going to pelvic floor therapy because I was having painful sex. Turned out part of my hymen got stretched out and I had to have it surgically removed but the therapist said my abs had come back together nicely and my pelvic floor was in good shape. So not advocating for people to not wait but I think it really depends on your body, your birth, and your postpartum program.
@felicitys take baby on leisurely walks! it’s great for both of you & kind of helps scratch that itch. i also started doing postpartum-safe core exercises & pelvic floor exercises that i found on youtube so when i did finally get back to regular workouts, i felt stronger & more prepared.
@felicitys Thanks for posting, I had my baby today and it was interesting and good seeing all the comments! And here I was thinking I might be able to enjoy the nice weather we are going to have this week with some walking… probably not! 😂 rest it is! 🫡
@ladymo Yeah they recommended to me: 5 days in bed, 5 days around bed and 5 days in the home. I did take small walks in the last phase but otherwise kept to it.
@ladymo Congratulations! I gave birth on Jan 4 and was able to easily walk right after birth without pain (meaning to and from the bathroom, around the house… not going on out for walks). I was so exhausted overall that I was in bed or on the couch for the week after giving birth - minus 2 short stroller walks with baby to get some fresh air.

Walking doesn’t cause me any pain so I’ve done a handful of short slow treadmill walks while baby has slept, and gotten down on the yoga mat for some light stretches.
@ladymo Congrats! Youll likely, hopefully feel the boost of adrenaline that can come after birth and last a few days to a few weeks. I used some of this energy inappropriately by heading out on long walks during a beautiful July and had to get rescued by someone picking us up in a car
@felicitys I started swimming laps at 4 weeks, with sign off from OB (and obviously had stopped bleeding). Also some very light strength stuff (MamasteFit PP program). Just walking before then and I waited until 10 weeks to get back on my bike. I had a 3rd deg tear and did pelvic floor PT, all healed well and I don’t think exercise set me back at all - if anything the exercise I started at 4 weeks vastly improved my mental health. I just had to really listen to my body and not overdo it, take plenty of rest days, etc.
@delek Thanks for sharing. I’m the same way in needing to exercise (aka do some physical movement) for mental health. Plus sitting all day in weird positions as I breastfeed, baby naps on me, etc is causing me to get sore in weird places so the stretching has definitely been necessary
@felicitys Totally agree. I remember my back and neck just randomly locking up in the first few months PP, it was so awful. I also did some light yoga for the same reasons. At some point my body must have just gotten used to it because it hasn’t bothered me in a while! Good luck with your recovery, I’m not a medical professional but you know your body (and mind) best and I think you should just do what feels right for you!
@felicitys It depends on what you mean by exercise. I started taking walks a few days postpartum and did whatever activities felt good and didn’t cause bleeding. It took about 6-8 weeks for me to figure out where pregnancy did the most damage. I’m in physical therapy and can only really do walking, hiking and yoga, maybe some light cardio until I deal with my diastasis recti and an imbalance in my left hip. I want to go back to lifting and dancing, but I don’t want to cause more damage.
@outofplace_christian Yeah exercise is defined differently for everyone so I’m looking to get a sense of what others have/haven’t done during postpartum.

Many have incorrectly assumed I meant high intensity workout but that’s not the inherent definition of exercise. Some people aren’t even doing light walks until 6 weeks or later, whereas other start doing some walks and stretches earlier.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
@felicitys 2 babies, both deliveries were vaginal with no tearing or other complications. I was going on walks with the baby at about 4 weeks postpartum both times. Less for cardio, more for general movement. I started the elliptical at 5-6 weeks... 20-30 mins at low intensity (barely above the resistance level I had in the 3rd tri). After my second baby, I was also much more focused on core rehab and doing stretches/breathing/reconnection exercises from a pelvic floor PT on IG, @carriepagliano. Those were stop-and-start because some did not feel good even though they were specifically recommended for 1-4 weeks PP.