Did you really wait 6 weeks postpartum to resume exercise?

@felicitys YES! Lol I've been an avid runner for my entire life and ran throughout pregnancy.... I was extremely lucky and didn't have any tearing, felt so physically ready around like 3 weeks and attempted to jog 4 wks PP.... i felt like a wobbly skeleton and like my uterus was gonna fall out , you definitely don't want to rush and. cause any permanent damage! It's so hard, but worth it in this case to be patient for sure!

I walked almost every day pretty soon after birth though, and there was some insta account called "namaste fit " or something, she was pregnant and provides tons of post partum core exercises and breathing that can be done before returning to "exercise" so that your body is ready :) :) Good luck mama!!
@felicitys I did and I'm glad. I went on my first run around 6 weeks and my mid section was definitely sore. There is a lot of healing you do on the inside that you cannot see. It was probably a few more weeks until I felt "normal" while exercising.
@felicitys I had a complication free delivery, no tears, etc.. I went back to the gym at 5ish weeks for a few days a week because I felt great. Started experiencing weird knee pain bilaterally when I would go from sitting to standing. It progressed and I eventually stopped going to the gym for fear of injuring myself further. Multiple doctors, diagnostics, and seven months later I finally got “answers” that I had partially torn and sprained both ACLs. No idea when it happened, never had an oh shit moment. Having both ACLs injured like this is kind of unheard of, and the most I (and my PT) can gather is that my body still wasn’t done with its show of hormones on my ligaments and tendons. This cost me 7 months of not being able to work out, or sitting down to pee without being in excruciating pain when I stood up. I’m still in PT and nowhere near my previous weights, I’m still horribly self conscious because I haven’t been able to do jack shit to list the last few pounds, and I still have knee pain. It’s sent me through depression and back multiple times.

It’s not worth it. Just wait.
@felicitys I started walking 3 days postpartum outside about a mile a day. Now I’m 8 weeks PP and I walked almost 3 miles today. I made a HUGE mistake of going jogging 3 weeks PP and it made my bleeding worse. At my PP appt my Dr said I’m completely healed, but I do think that jog set me back and I would’ve healed faster if I didn’t do that. I also did some PP core workouts and that was fine, it just felt like mostly breathing and engaging TA and pelvic floor. Just listen to your body and don’t do anything high impact or crunches. I’m lifting light weights now and feel fine.
@felicitys I did some gentle walking. At one point, i tried to increase the intensity. It caused my postpartum bleeding to get super heavy again and my pelvic floor killed me. I definitely learned my lesson there
@felicitys I snuck in some light dumbbell work at 5wks pp but don’t think I’d have managed anything like that before then. I had a really easy Caesar recovery, walking up and down the hall in the hospital from the second day, but walking around the block after I got home was completely different. The hills were so much harder, the distance was so much bigger. I was walking 5k at 39 weeks no problem but 3wks pp was hard.
@felicitys I went for a light jog 5 weeks pp because I didn't want to break a long tradition of new years runs. I can confirm it was a bad idea. I've done a light yoga before that and that was fine.
@felicitys Just to share another reason to wait. I did some jogs at week 4-5 pp and felt ok. Then got cleared by a pelvic floor specialist to resume exercise at week 6 pp.

And then on my first walk after that, I sustained a stress fracture on my tibia, which will take another 6 weeks to heal.

Turns out my bone density fell whilst pregnant/ breastfeeding. This coupled with the extra pregnancy weight let to the fracture.

Pls pls keep up your calcium intake especially if your breastfeeding!
@felicitys I only had first degree tearing, but I went for what I believe is my 95-year old self’s version of a walk (extremely slow and very short) a day and a half after delivering. I swam ten days after, and played tennis two weeks after. No high intensity stuff until after 6 weeks though!!!