I really don’t know how people cope with even one baby

@jesusmypeace It gets easier at four, and more difficult again at 13. I told myself that if I get a desire to have another child we'll get a puppy. Two cats have been living in a dog-free home for many years now.
@jesusmypeace If I may: I never felt guilt from leaving my baby with “strangers” because that never happened. I met and interviewed all caretakers. I got to know the people who cared for him, and they quickly became part of our village.
@jesusmypeace I’m sorry to hear it’s been a rough first year. Hopefully things start getting easier soon.

Every kid is different. Not saying this to be rude or anything but we are thriving with one. Sure the first few months were really hard but after that my son started sleeping through the night for 11 - 12 hours straight and still does at 10 months. We’ve are very thankful that he’s an amazing sleeper. He’s been in his crib since 4 months.

We do 100% formula feed, since 3 months, which I think has made a big difference in how well he sleeps and how less stressed we are. Pumping was always this every day multiple times per day all consuming thing that is now gone. For those parents that do it bravo, that’s amazing, but I just couldn’t. Going out now to do whatever, including monthly vacations that we take as a family, are more than doable and are enjoyable.

Life is great with one.
@jesusmypeace I just had my first 6 months ago, i completely understand you. I dont get it either. Im really not enthusiastic about having another, but im giving myself the grace of time especially cause im 26 so in my opinion i still got at least a good ten years of babymaking. Plus the women in my family are somehow very fertile lol, my mom had my lil sis at 41! 🤣 but my absolute limit is 2, and thank god my husband more than agrees.

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