We offer 2yo 11 hours sleep every 24h, but he has big split nights still. Is offering less really the way to go? He’s always tired!

@ramonguitar Second that. Drop the nap. Once the nap became more struggle than it was worth, we dropped it. My daughter went from sleeping 10-12 hours/day with a nap to 12-14 without. We struggled for about 6 months before we gave in. She was 2.5 yo when we dropped it.
@kilmanagh I’ve never considered it, but he’s so tired after about 5-6 hours awake, never protests nap, and falls asleep for nap and bed almost instantly. Besides the split nights, you wouldn’t think he was ready for it.
@tavott My son was waking up anywhere from 1-3 hours during the middle of the night. I tried lessening his nap, no nap, early nap. lol. Eventually instead of laying him down at 7:30pm I pushed it to 8:30…
Now his routine is more 9:30pm-8am sleep and nap from 12-3 or 1-4.

He just needed a later bedtime I guess. Not great for me but I prefer that than him waking up at 2am.
@tavott My 25 month old still has a 2.5 hour nap every day and sleeps 12 hours over night.

As far as I've learned to get him to this point, sleep begets sleep, your son sounds overtired to me, not undertired.

Try let him nap longer. Our day looks like this, roughly (daycare naps tend to be a bit shorter but still about 90 minutes)

Wakes around 7.30am

Naps from 11 to 1 ish, give or take half an hour.

Goes to bed about 6.30/7pm and falls asleep by 7.30pm

Alternatively, how long have the split nights been going on? There's a sleep regression around this age which could be messing with him too, but either way I'd try more sleep. Not less!
@tavott I’ve been a mom for 11 years and I don’t know what a split night is but.. I never woke up any of my kids or did schedules every kid is different they’ll grow out of whatever it is I have a 2 year old also she sleeps from 8/10pm-8/930am straight without waking up and takes a nap from 1pm-3pm some kids are just better sleepers than others I wouldn’t stress about it
@tavott "I have to sleep in his room when it happens.."
I think this may be your problem. He was uo and rather than rolling over and linking sleep cycles, he wants to see his mamma. It will be a tough adjustment, but suggest letting him sleep in his own room. If he cried, comfort for a moment and then firmly reiterate its bedtime.

Suggest a book called Precious Little Sleep. One thing in this book that really helped me: teaching your kid good sleep habits (e.g. alone in their own room, sleeping through the night) is a lifelong skill and gift you gift your child. Also sleep training or adjusting sleep habits actually get harder at a point as your child gets older - not easier. So something to consider is what your exit strategy is.

You got this! Good luck and all the best.