What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?


New member
Coming here to ask this as it’s as good place to get some others views without being instantly judged as an ass hole… I hope!

So I have a 10 month old and last year I was accepted as a cannabis patient legally in the Uk which is still a new thing here and I have been put on due to low mood issues and anxiety. I had 10 years or typical ssri anti depression meds with no success, it’s worth mentioning prior to being medical for cannabis I hadn’t had it since being about 16 and even then it was like 3 times , so I wasn’t what you call a stoner.

When the baby was born I straight away stopped the vaping of cannabis and have only very recently picked it back up again, before this I started having g a drink or two each night when the baby was in bed and it was making me worse , I hate alcohol and how it made me feel afterwards but during after the baby was in bed it was all I could do to relax and it turned to a self meditation thing.

I noticed the increase in alcohol every night and how it probably wasn’t helping so over the last week I have gone back to vaping dry cannabis (around 0.1g) after work and I put the baby to bed. Yes I’m serious 0.1g is all I need to take the edge off work stress and lighten my mood as I’m a serious light weight.

What’s other dads opinions or cannabis with a family ? I feel like I’m doing something I shouldn’t but it’s helping me stop w more toxic habbit and it’s also helping me in that the following day I’m more up beat and able to work more getting my stuff in order to improve long term. I’m able to get up so the breakfast and go to the gym before work as an example and I could never have gone and worked out while I was drinking at night. Can’t stress enough here that I use only when the baby is asleep and I have tiny amounts, I’m not going for couch locked and getting fucked up and my partner is great with it, she has her nights of a glass of wine etc at the weekends and I can be responsible in cases of emergencies then.

As I say curious to see what dads think, given a lot of you will be in places where cannabis is looked on more liberally than it is here in the uk .

TLDR stopped medial cannabis when baby was born now 10 months old and noticed I had increased drinking as self medication, moved back to cannabis vaping when baby is in bed to help with my depression etc what do others think of this type of use ?

Edit : those concerned by a deeper issue at play and advising I get help, the way medical cannabis works in the UK is this has to be done or you aren’t prescribed, I had to demonstrate a list of previous meds and therapy sessions before being considered, i then got viewed by a panel of doctors that make the decision.

I don’t not get wasted on cannabis I use what is classed a d a micro dose in the evenings to help with anxiety and low mood. Whilst having weekly sessions with a therapist.
@cph My rules around weed are the same as my rules around alcohol:
1. Never get visibly impaired/altered around the kid.
2. Someone always needs to be sober enough to handle an emergency.

Other than that I think it's fine
@richardj I'm in general against getting intoxicated around your kids.

These rules are a sensible way to recreate though if that's a priority for you.

It's not for me, but I think your approach is the right one. Imo.
@sharehisword Yeah, I think we basically agree - that's what I really meant by "visibly altered." I'll have a drink with dinner while my daughter is awake, but that's pretty much it - I don't want her thinking that I act different sometimes.
@richardj Yeah, we agree.

That's really the crux of it too, thanks for helping me boil it down.

Personally I want to always be steady for them, and clear headed for any crises / emergency that might occur.

I went on a trip last month to see some guy friends, and got drunk playing board games for the first time in a long time, it was good fun, but around the house / home I'm pretty absentatious.
@cph On my average weekday I only smoke after the kid is to bed and after all work is done. I don’t want to rush home, get high, and make my entire domestic presence one that’s dominated by inebriation.

Weekends are different. Last weekend, my wife (who’s pregnant) wanted a break and to just have some time to sit upstairs and quietly read/nap.

So before that, I snuck downstairs and smoked a bit.

Came back up and put on the football game and basically me and my 3 year old laughed for three hours as he tried to tackle me before we just played with megablocks (built a Spider-Man webquarters) and repeatedly caught Rhino who apparently was breaking into several banks around the house.

So long story short, in moderation, it can make make-believe time and just laughing with your kid a bit of a more fun (or tolerable) experience.

Though to be fair I don’t use it as medication - I’m open with it being just a recreational thing.
@newlychristian Oh I know , I wouldn’t drink and drive either but if I had to pick which would make me a worse driver, weed would a 100 percent result in me dying in a car crash.
@newlychristian After I had kids my wife and I quit drinking alcohol and started eating edibles. We are just more responsible that way. Alcohol can get sketchy (for us) and we didn’t want to raise our kids around it. Cannabis seems to have no negative effects (again, for us)
@cph Forgive yourself and allow yourself this.

You are not less of a parent for this. You are actively taking steps to better yourself to be a better parent. Do not let the legality of cannabis become confused with the morality. Everything in moderation.

Some may not agree with this, but my only advice is to not have edibles in the house with children. They look too much like candy and for me it increases the risk beyond what I can rationalize.
@harleen I feel like this whole thread is a bunch of parents looking for permission to get high while caring for their children.

It’s not the end of the world, but if you’re really honest with yourself, getting high around your kids reeks of addiction.
@guilhermeelias I specifically wrote in my post that I do not do that and a lot on here have also said they don’t, this is the issue I guess with it being classed as a medication and it’s stigma
@cph It can be a “medication” but 99% of people just use it to get high. And this is coming from someone that smoked daily for like 20 years. It’s fun to get high and the medicinal aspect is just a cover if you’re really being honest.
@guilhermeelias No not really, if you had any idea how prescribed cannabis worked in the UK you might realise how stupid this post is, I had to demonstrate a list of previous medications that where not effective along with x amount of therapy sessions.

You come across extremely arrogant here and uneducated, I hold no grudges though and I sincerely hope you never have a condition that seemingly doesn’t respond to standard treatments which has been my case over the last 10 years.

All the best and hope you have a good Christmas with your family
@cph The rules Id suggest:
1) Avoid doing it in rooms where the kiddo will be.
2) Don’t do it if your on call to make a drive somewhere and have no backup.
3) Don’t do it when you’re the sole caregiver available in general.

Otherwise relax, have fun, and enjoy the bonding time.