Q+A Part 2: WTT

@lindalee1456 Lol! Yeah I was wondering about the kid part too. I've only heard to keep the top tier and have it for your first anniversary celebration.

We were too busy to actually sit and have cake during our wedding. I learned that our bakery will actually make an anniversary cake for us, so we took the top tier home and ate it with my family that week :)
@koroman Haha @ 3. I counted how many we had the other day. I don't really want to buy more when we are getting close to the finish line!

Sorting out our 'office' that tends to accumulate junk and hanging pictures are micro-goals for us too.
  1. We are waiting to pay down some debts, be off birth control for 6 months and regulate, take prenatal vitamins for 3-6 months and get as healthy as possible between now and then!
  2. Is all my life a reasonable answer? Realistically, the last 3 years have been baby fever to the max and the last year or so of actually pursuing our goals towards TTC and taking things more seriously.
  3. We are planning to start trying any time after March 2018 if everything goes according to plan.
  4. He is seriously the most supportive partner and supports whichever way I lean when it comes to waiting. If I told him I wanted to try tomorrow I know he would support that. He just wants to ensure we have the best situation to bring our baby into. He is actually so excited about charting and planning the whole trying process, it’s so cute.
  5. Our top 3 goals would be to pay down some debts, have a small cushion fund and get healthy both mentally and physically before pregnancy.
  6. We want to take a weekend trip for our anniversary/Christmas present to each other instead of gifts as our last little hurrah before trying. Might also go to New York with my girlfriends for my champagne birthday in May which we might be trying by then, we’ll see.
  7. My closest friends know about us waiting and our timeline. They are super supportive and wished we would just hurry up and make a baby that they can snuggle now. We aren’t telling any family as we would rather surprise them when it finally happens! We already have so much pressure from our families to give them a grandbaby, I don’t want to get their hopes up and put the pressure on us.
  8. My hopes for waiting is that we are 100% ready after 6 months and that we accomplished everything we set out to do. I hope that we don’t run into any bumps (lol no pun intended) along the way. My fear is that something will come up and derail our timeframe or that we’ll get cold feet and push it off.
  9. My hopes for TTC is that we don’t have any sort of fertility issues. My biggest fear for TTC is us having fertility issues. That it’ll take forever to conceive and be emotionally draining. Both my mother and sister had MC’s and I fear it’ll happen to us.
  10. Yes ;)
@bernard222 I feel you on the fear of MCs! I was supposed to be a twin but she miscarried. I didn't find that out until I was 16 and I've been terrified of MC ever since.
@britebore Holy crap that’s crazy!! My mom lost a baby at 5 months, my sister was a premie baby and i turned out just fine!

My sister had an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in a bursted tube, almost died and had to remove a tube. She did go on to have my niece who is now 3.

I have this weird thought that since all my friends have had zero fertility issues, perfectly fine pregnancies, i’m going to be the one with the issues.
@bernard222 Oh wow! I totally understand being afraid you'll the one to have issues. Hopefully that's just an irrational worry though!

My mom has PCOS and tried for seven years to get pregnant with me. She had to have fertility treatment but then accidentally got pregnant with my little brother afterwards.

What I worry about most is women in my family try to die in childbirth. My granny lost so much blood after she got home from the hospital she started having seizures. She then had trouble with hemorrhaging with her next two births. My mom had to have an emergency c-section with me and a planned one with my brother. I would just like a nice calm birth, ya know? One with an epidural and minimum tearing. But somehow I don't think I'm going to get it.
@bernard222 Oh wow that's crazy! I'm 20 but all of my friends are in the 23-24 range and my husband's (25) friends are 25-30. We're the only ones that have gotten married so far! No one else is even engaged yet. Luckily all my friends are super for me having a baby. They're all wanting to be aunties 😂
  1. Why are you waiting? We weren't mentally or emotionally prepared.
  2. How long have you been waiting? We agreed from the beginning that we would wait until we had been married at least 2 years. Revisited the topic then, answer was still no. Revisited again at 3 years, and it was, possibly, but not until after my sister's wedding. So, actively waiting? About 12 months. Passively? 18 months.
  3. When will you start trying? December.
  4. How does your SO feel about waiting and trying? I'm pretty sure he could wait another year or two and be just fine with it.
  5. What are your top 3 goals you'd like to accomplish before TTC? I want to drink more wine, go to Disney World, and drink while at Disney World.
  6. Any trips/vacations you'd like to take before TTC? 2 planned, 1 to NYC with my family and then DISNEY WORLD. It will be our first vacation that's more than one night away and not staying with family or friends since our honeymoon. Which was in 2013. Yep.
  7. Does anyone in your personal life know about your wait/TTC timeline? A few friends know we are thinking about kids soon, but no specifics.
  8. What are your hopes and fears about waiting? I'm about done with my wait, soooo at this point I hope we just have more excellent non-baby making sex.
  9. What are your hopes and fears about TTC? If there's something to be fearful of regarding TTC, I'm fearful. I hope I get pregnant easily, so I can announce to his family on vacation.
  10. Should we continue these questionnaires? Sure.