Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

  1. We have 1 cat
  2. She is a 10 year old rescue tuxedo cat. Her name is Cleo, but we call her all sorts of weird nicknames
  3. A Shetland pony, maybe?
  4. We always had cats growing up.
  5. I love both.
  6. Our cat doesn't like other cats, so we won't get any more while she's alive. We would only get rescue animals.
  7. We love our cat very much, and would definitely want her to remain part of our family when we have LOs. I want to prepare her when I am pregnant, to minimise her stress and also worry that she'll be jealous. We will make sure cat is always supervised near baby.
Edit: This is my gorgeous girl https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGych2WXcAAp2n-.jpg
  1. 5
  2. 2 dogs (Scully and Mulder ages 2.5 and 2, both corgis), 2 cats (Toby and Jory ages 9 and 5) and a betta (Hercules Mulligan age 1.5)
  3. An alpaca! Followed closely by chickens.
  4. Two rats named Alaska and Nebraska
  5. One time my cat Toby brought home a fully cooked piece of bacon. We have no clue where he found it.
  6. Dog, but I like both
  7. I might let the kids get their own pet, but they need to be old enough to understand how to take care of it.
  8. My dogs don't like kids, so we will be doing baby classes with them prior to having kids. I'm hoping that waiting a couple of years they will mature (since they are still young), so that should help too.
@wowol56 How does he behave with your son? Does he try to herd him? I am worried about both of mine, since they don't like kids very much. I'm sure it will help that the kids will be ours, but I still have a lot of training to do with them.
@pazova He basically keeps his distance. He doesn't try to herd him, just avoids him. Our son is a little under two years old, and we're still working on getting him to learn how to approach the dog in a calm way (our son LOVES him and desperately wants to pet him). We have our son feed him treats and that helps, and he hangs out under our son's high chair at meal time for scraps but other than that he usually heads for his kennel when he sees him coming. I was actually kind of surprised because he LOVED kids before we had ours. I'm hoping that they will be better buddies as my son gets older!