Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

@bernard222 Missed the last ones but I'll jump in for animals!
  1. How many pets do you have?
    One cat
  2. What are they, how old and what are their names?
    He's about 8, name is Flynt Coal
  3. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose?
    I'd probably go for a cat again, they're so easy and independent!
  4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name?
    When I was a kid we had Toy Poodles, or first one was named Crystal, The Ol' Battleaxe. Sms outlived her two younger half siblings
  5. What is your favorite story about your pets?
    Probably when Crystal caught a squirrel then didn't know what to do after that lol
  6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?
    Cat. Dogs are too much work
  7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO?
    If our cat wasn't nervous around other animals, I'd maybe get another cat. But when we adopted him he was actually separated from other animals because of his anxiety in the cat cage. So, we won't be getting another animal until he passes.
  8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO?
    Well, right now I think we're dealing with some increased anxiety in him right now, have had a few litter box misses since our daughter started getting more mobile. Other than that he adjusted well, just give him since one-on-one time when the LO goes to bed =)
@bernard222 Yesssss I get to talk about my lil pupper!!
  1. How many pets do you have?

    Just one for now!
  2. What are they, how old and what are their names?

    She's a Bichon Frise/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix, her name is Liberty, she's about to turn 4, and she's the looove of our lives!
  3. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose?

    Another Liberty :'D
  4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name?

    Me and my brother had goldfish as young kids- Goldie, Crystal, and Chocolate.
  5. What is your favorite story about your pets?

    Ummm man, I can't think of any actual stories, she's just really cute and fun and sweet lol. We loooove greeting her when we get home from work... we lay down on the ground with her and she rubs herself all over us and tries to burrow underneath our bodies :'D
  6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?

    Always been a huge dog person. I actually really don't like cats lol. (sorry, cat lovers!)
  7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO?

    We'd really like to get Liberty a friend- she looooves other dogs. We want to adopt again, but I don't want to settle. It took us a long time to find her, and I'm trying to be patient and diligent in this search lol.
  8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO?
  • Working on a more perfect recall
  • Reign in occasional barking for attention
  • Differentiate baby toys from doggo toys lol
tl;dr our girl is perfect and we can't wait for her to be bffs with her little hooman!

Pupper tax :)

Stand like hooman?

My hubs' fave pic of her. We have this one printed and framed lol

Her third birthday!

Staring down last year's Thanksgiving turkey
@bernard222 1-2. I'm allergic to everything. Including anti-allergy medications :( SO is allergic to cats.

3-6. Cat. 100% cat. I had a pet cat growing up, and he was such an affectionate animal who would do anything for pets (like shake paws, or roll over). All he really wanted in life was to be petted. And maybe sit inside boxes. Also the dumbest cat I've ever met :) Each night he'd sit at the back porch and wait to be picked up and carried to his basket. He could get there himself but absolutely wouldn't. Once we forgot (big oops!) and he just sat there until we remembered at 2am. I CAN'T PUT MYSELF TO BED, I NEED HUMAN CUDDLE TIME!

7-8. As much as I'd super love a cat I don't think it'll happen for us. Emotionally I'd like a miniature poodle (which I'm not allergic to), but I know that wouldn't be the right choice for us as a family, given our housing and employment situations.
  1. 1
  2. An almost 5 year old German Shepherd
  3. I want all the dogs but she does best as an only dog, so we're not looking. Next dog is going to have a lot of specific requirements though so we'll be going to a breeder. I really like smooth collies at the moment.
  4. A Husky (poor choice by my parents)
  5. Every day she does something funny, I can't pick.
  6. Dogs
  7. After this one is gone, we'll be getting another dog. We've never had more than one at a time but we might after we finish having kids.
  8. Sure. My dog is afraid of children but can coexist if they're well behaved. The younger ages will be tough. I'm mostly worried about having little patience for her. I'm a dog trainer so I know what needs to be done, but it's harder when it's your own dog.
@bernard222 .1. No pets.

.3. A dragon.

.6. Cat person by heart, dog person by allergy.

.7. We have been planning on getting a dog since forever. At this point, I can't predict which will happen first.

.8. Not really. Perhaps that both will happen simultaneously, AKA puppy and newborn stages all at once.
  1. How many pets do you have? We have 2.
  2. What are they, how old and what are their names? Both are cats, domestic shorthairs. They're both roughly a year and a half to 2 years old. Spike is a tuxedo pattern and Buffy is a tabby.
  3. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose? I've been dying to get a rat or ferret.
  4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name? My first pet was a mutt named Huggy that my parents got when I was a year old
  5. What is your favorite story about your pets? I think my favorite story is when I adopted Spike. We had a mouse problem where we lived and decided to get a cat/kitten. The animal shelter was having a "pick your own adoption fee" deal on cats. I spent time in the kitten room and they were all so tiny. Went to the adult cat room and there were 3 in there. 2 older cats and one kitten just demanding of attention. The kitten had gotten kicked out of the kitten room for being a "hellraiser" and starting fights. I adopted my hellraiser for $15 and he's been my mighty hunter since that day. He's caught mice, snakes, and bugs.
  6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person? Both. I love cats and dogs.
  7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO? We do want a dog at some point, probably after LO so they don't have to grow up with just the cats.
  8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO? We think Buffy will be OK but spike will definitely have an adjustment. He HATES kids (avoided our former roommates daughter at all cost). Either he will attach himself to LO or hide all the time. Time will tell.
Edit: My children
  1. 3 atm
  2. Jellybean dog who is a mutt but looks like i shrunk a black lab to make an eternal puppy. She is 4.
    Mouse is my black cat. He is 2.
    Peanutbutter is about 9 months old. She is a chow/german Shepard mix.
  3. Sugarglider or a capybara.
  4. Honestly my first pet has to be Taj an Arabian horse my mother owned. But i always count Charlie, my collie as my first since i named him.
  5. Just last week, my mom came to visit. She lives about 5 blocks away. She owns Jellybean's sister and dad. When she left, Bean manage to sneak out the yard and followed her. So she spent the night and resulted in my mom asking if she can have Peantbutter sleepover as well.
  6. I love both. I grew up mostly around dogs. I didn't have a cat for over 10 years so when my FDH wanted one, i was all over that.
  7. I would like to get another kitten. Kinda even out the pack. Lmao
  8. Honestly no. I have stepkids. I was truly worried about Bean since i had here before i became involved with FDH. Bean seemed to hate kids when we lived at my mother's house. I warned my FDH about her and she made me look like a fool. She loves her kids. She is the favorite and she knows it.
    Peanutbutter is a bit of a klutz but is a pup. I don't plan for at least 2 years until bringing a LO. (My youngest SD thinks i should get started ASAP) I am sure she will calm down.
    Mouse could care less and avoids my stepkids like the plague.
@bernard222 1. How many pets do you have?

Currently none :-(

**2. What are they, how old and what are their names?
  1. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose?**
Cats, definitely.

4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name?

My parents had a cat called Winnie when I was born, so I guess he was my first pet? If that doesn't count, we had a few hamsters when I was a kid, I think Bubbles was the first one.

5. What is your favorite story about your pets?

When I was just getting into my teen years we had a cat who was obsessed with lima beans. Like, she would come running to the table if there were lima beans. We discovered this when, one night, my dad put a bowl of lima beans on the table and went back to the kitchen to get the rest of dinner only to return to the table and find the cat head first in the bowl.

She also used to sit in your lap and silently swipe lima beans from your plate. It's a boring story but it was really adorable.

6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?

A cat person. I like dogs enough but I don't ever want one.

7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO?

We plan to get a cat or two in the next few months, so yes!

8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO?

The only thing I'm concerned about are allergies. My husband is allergic to cats but had them when younger and he got used to it, and he really wants cats, but an infant with an allergy doesn't know why they're miserable. There's also the risk of it being a serious allergy - my husband just gets a stuffy nose and basically a head cold, but I know some people have it bad.
  1. 1
  2. chocolate lab, Zuko (from avatar the last airbender)
  3. more dogs
  4. black lab, abby.
  5. that time he ate an actual pumpkin and became dubbed 'pumpkin eater' and 'pumkin butt'
    7.more. but maybe a smaller dog. gentle for sure.
  6. if it was NOW, yes; hes still a puppy and exciteable ..total lack of coordination. Later on, no.
#1. How many pets do you have?


#2. What are they, how old and what are their names?

Cats. 4 year old Valkyrie (female), 3 year old Oliver (male), and 9 year old Luna (male)

#3. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose?

Ideally: 1 dog, 2 cats, 3 rats, 4 fish, 5 chickens.

#4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name?

The first pet that I considered mine was an orange tabby named Cracker (male).

#5. What is your favorite story about your pets?

Josephine's (cat, female) preferred spot was on the couch behind someone's head. When she wanted that person's attention, she would paw furiously at their head (declawed, so it didn't hurt) and bite softly at the scalp or eat the hair. She was an awesome girl.

#6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?

I've never had a dog, but I love them. I don't really consider myself as preferring one to another.

#7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO?

Hopefully will be getting a dog, but we might wait for our cats to pass on for that.

#8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO?

A slight concern. Cats are indoor/outdoor, and I am a little concerned they might make themselves primarily outdoor animals to escape the baby. As for either's safety, no concern.