One and done with an easy pregnancy and easy (so far) baby?

@breanne Are you me? Super easy pregnancy (did 4 IVF and had one miscarriage but after my 3rd transfer everything went super smoothly) super easy labor, easy 7 months old. Suffered PPD at 2 months old but now it’s better.

I want to be one and done but I feel guilty not to offer my baby a sibling. I myself have a younger brother, and we are not close at all, never was, so I feel weird about wanting to give her a sibling. At the same time, I want to be there for her 100%, to not divide my attention, to see her fully and to be the best mom I can.

I feel like wanting another only to give her a sibling is not a good reason. But I feel guilty
@breanne I feel the same. I feel super fulfilled with my little boy at just 4 weeks and I don’t feel the need or want for another. Of course this is the toughest experience I’ve ever had to endure, but that’s not the reason for my decision
@breanne I’m convinced there is no “easy” toddler lol. So don’t judge if you should have another because your kid is “easy” right now.

Your next kid may not be easy / not sleep / dietary issues etc. then you’ll be dealing with a toddler AND that. Only have a second if you really really want one 🙏🏼
@breanne My son was easy going too. I distinctly remember patting myself on the back for how easy 2 was.

Then he turned 3 😂

A day will come, many days in fact, where you thank the high heavens you’re only dealing with one. Learn to enjoy the easy parts my friend.
@breanne I don’t have any children, but my husband is an only child and he’s never wanted a sibling. He liked having all the attention and the peace and quiet in the home. He got his social interaction from friends and a cousin. There is no guarantee of having a good relationship with a sibling anyway.

Also, my mother always says that the first baby is an easy one to trick you into having a second! And the second is then always more of a handful (I am the second child haha). It’s not a law of course, but there is no guarantee that your hypothetical second baby would be as easy as the first one.

Just do you! If this feels like the right choice for you, I think it is a good one.
@breanne I adopted my only so super easy “pregnancy” 😂 My daughter was also a wonderful, sweet, easy baby. Then she became a toddler. Those years, combined with my useless ex-husband who basically made me do it all myself for 3 years, is the reason I’m OAD.
@breanne I worked in a daycare and we called those trap babies. They are wonderful children, easy babies, easy pregnancies. 9/10 we’d have a younger sibling come through eventually, and they would be much more exuberant. And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing! But I’ve also had parents say “I don’t know where they get it from, older sibling isn’t like this at all!”
@breanne Why mess with perfection? IMO you’d be doing him a disservice by adding a sibling and taking away half or more of all the resources available to him (your time, attention, funds, etc). What if the second child had special needs of any sort and required extra care? You’ve then made your life exponentially harder (note: not less fulfilling, just harder) and will have way less resources for first child, almost guaranteed. I’ve seen that happen quite a bit.