my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

@alwayscurious My daughter went into the hospital with RSV on her birthday in December. It’s terrible seeing them with the wires and tubes. See if someone can bring a stuffy of his he like and maybe one of his blankets too. Once all those wires come off he’s gonna be so relieved and back to himself. You did everything any parent would’ve done. Hope he gets out soon and goes home happy and so much better!
@alwayscurious I’m so sorry you and your family had to go through such a terrifying experience but so glad to hear that he’s doing better. It sounds like you trusted your gut and I don’t think that gut feeling can ever be classified as ‘overthinking’! Wishing the little one a very speedy recovery.
@rayclove i don’t know nothing about meningitis was mentioned and he’s starting to improve a lot the past 6 or so hours with his numbers rising so i’m assuming that’s a positive sign
@alwayscurious So scary, definitely don't feel like you did anything wrong. When my wife is away I'm always worried I'll miss something because she's just got that INSTINCT to feel when something is amiss with our kiddo. You gotta err on the side of caution with your little one, don't second guess yourself! Much love to you and your baby!
@alwayscurious Wow. sending hugs and love to you. it must be so hard to deal with.

you did great. don't hesitate to call ambulance. I mean, what is a 200$ bills when it can save your toddlers live.
@alwayscurious This sounds like a nightmare. I’m so sorry, op. I can only imagine how scared you were. You handled it exactly right and now your son will be safely monitored in the hospital so you don’t have to worry about another episode for now. I think you will feel better once they get to the bottom of what’s causing his symptoms and have a treatment plan. I’m glad he’s starting to act more himself now.