Is it true that the 6-8week period is the worst? I can’t put my baby down in her cot without her waking :(

@maryatheseeker My baby has been perfect during the 6-8 week so i wouldnt know but my pediatrician said yesterday the worst period is the 4 month sleep regression. She said during that period the baby's sleep pattern is trying to adjust to an adult sleep pattern and they wake more easily and struggle to get back to sleep themselves and it's exhausting for parents
@maryatheseeker You are in the trenches right now. My guy was super fussy for the 6th and 7th week. Week 8 rolled around and he was completely different. Much more easy going and started sleeping 5-6 hours at night. By week 10, he would sleep 8-10 hours at night and I thought I was in heaven. Last week, he turned 4 months old and the sleep regression hit hard. It’s getting better, but I would just about sell my soul to get 8 hours of sleep again.
@maryatheseeker Sadly that's true. Apart from babies having their first vaccines, this is also when colic usually peaks for some babies so they become extra fussy and unwell.
But don't worry, it gets easier. Hang in there, you got this💪🏻
@maryatheseeker Babywearing is the only thing that got me through the newborn stage. Yes, this is the hardest stage. Look up when Wonder Weeks and growth spurts happen, as they involve extra fussiness. And babywear as much as possible.
@maryatheseeker I've just installed The Wonderweeks app which roughly estimates their shitty weeks, explains what is happening in the actual leap. You can plan ahead and prepare for the growth/development spurts.
While you won't get a direct answer what's wrong (because actually the answer is always EVERYTHING), but you can relate to them better and relieve it's nothing that you did or didn't do.

It's suggest fun activities, appropriate for each phases.

Huge drawback: It spoils the new things that your baby will do and those little new surprises are the best in patenting.
But you can choose not to check the milestone panel.
@maryatheseeker In my veo personal experience the first three weeks were the worst, and nothing ever since had compared to that. I was about to lose it. Since then there's been ups and downs, but nothing as bad as those first three weeks.
@maryatheseeker Can confirm. Then from that point on we’ve had stretches of good sleep followed by stretches of refusing to sleep in her bassinet. My LO is 12 weeks old and we’re currently in one of those “refusing bassinet” stretches.
@maryatheseeker Week 10 to 11 was difficult for us. I would need to carry her in a carrier in order to free my arms. LO was so clingy and would cry when I put her down. Lasted a couple days.
@maryatheseeker Funny you mention this. I told my mother yesterday that the first 6 to 8 weeks were my worst nightmare.
I didn't sleep for that many weeks and the twin did but only in our bed and mostly in my arms.

But it got beter after that and now i can take anything on. 💪
@maryatheseeker Weeks 6-8/9 were the worst and when I felt like I got the most interrupted sleep. LO had a lot of bowel issues so we were using mylicon gas drops with every bottle, gripe water when he was old enough, and I started to incorporate more formula vs BM. I wasn’t producing enough so we were supplementing anyway, but LO had some digestive issues. I was so in the trenches already that I didn’t want to add diet eliminations into the chaos so we switched to mainly formula.

Gripe water is a bit of a double edged sword. It worked well for us, but is a choking hazard due to its thickness. I used the Frida Medicine pacifier to dispense it and it really helped with the choking risk.

Have you tried a different safe sleeping space? My son struggled to stay asleep in our bassinet, but did great with the crib. I started doing crib naps around 7 weeks when he started waking up after a few minutes in the bassinet. It worked like a dream for us and he eventually moved to the crib for all sleep at around 3.5 months when the regression hit.

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