3 weeks solo with toddler. Ways to ease the load?

@joshanna I've always had a lot of time alone with my kid due to my partner's shifts and at times his caring for his parents. I find getting out of the house essential at weekends, whether the local park or exploring somewhere new like a child friendly museum. I get grocery delivery, and make sure I have easy foods to prepare, and don't worry about making elaborate meals, although sounds like you've got that covered. For the kid get some easy snack stuff in case she won't eat. Accept some stuff won't get done and use screens if you need a few minutes peace.
@joshanna When my kid was young and my husband travelled what I always needed was something scheduled everyday so it wasn't just me with twelve hours of solo parenting ahead of me. I often found my friends who didn't have children would enjoy coming to the park or children's museum with me. For them they got to have fun in a place we didn't usually go and we could chat. For me, it was an extra pair of eyes and some conversation that wasn't at a toddler level. Good luck, you will get through it!
@annadotson Yea I’m exactly like that too - I need something scheduled if I know I’ve got a whole day solo parenting. It just makes it feel less exhausting somehow
@joshanna I’m in a similar situation where must husband is gone a lot for work. I’m also 36 weeks pregnant.

Routine is key-toddlers thrive in routine.

It’s also ok to have days where you turn on the tv and rest. I had a whole Saturday where my 2yo watched tv because I felt so terrible drone pregnancy. I felt guilty about it but my daughter seemed to enjoy snuggling up all day with me.

ETA: we have been visiting lots of new playgrounds and have recently discovered our local library is an AMAZING place to go. There are read alouds, a children’s section and best of all it’s free!
@joshanna If you have a local play cafe - use it! This is what I treat myself to when solo parenting if there is a session available. Ours is meant for kids 6mo-4yr (separate area for 5yr+) and has set 2 hour sessions since they limit the number of visitors so I always pick the morning session and just know I am going to buy all the yummy things they sell at the cafe part while my 2yr old plays in the play area. It always seems the perfect way to get us to nap time.

My husband was gone for a trip so this past weekend, I got to enjoy a wonderful iced latte, a cheddar & veggie frittata slice and a slice of chocolate cheesecake and baby girl was happy with some inhouse made mini sprinkle muffins and some apple sauce (also a few bites of cheesecake). All of which is brought to you inside the enclosed play area so you can sit at your table while watching your kid.
@joshanna My trick for the bath is to drain it and let them play until they are too cold to stay in. No fuss getting out to dry up and snuggle for warmth.

My husband leaves for extended travel pretty often so I’ve got a lot of experience in managing alone for a few weeks at a time. Mostly it’s all prep before he leaves.

All the laundry done. House spotless. All necessities restocked so there’s no having to run out for tp or noodles. I plan out outfits and meals all ahead of time. You said you’re getting a meal service but it never hurts to have some meal prepped in the freezer. Alert all friends and family nearby so if they get a free moment they can stop by and give some moral support or help. Lasagna the sheets and mattress covers on your kids bed if you haven’t already in case there is a blow out.

I also set one cleaning goal a day. If I get more done great, but if all I do is unload the dishwasher I pat myself on the back and say good work, I did my one thing. Be easy on yourself.
@joshanna Echoing what others have said about new toys, new parks or playgrounds and outside time. Water play outside, small inflatable pool, water table paintbrush and a bucket of water. Or maybe a sensory bin or beans and rice and shovels and cars. One little trick I use to kill time on the weekends is fun baths. That means all the bubbles and bath bombs and annoying toys not used in the weeknight can all come out. Fun baths could easily distract for an hour or so yes. Plus they are contained so you can sit down too.

Can you do a big clean or get a deep clean done ahead. Be caught up in laundry and stocked up on staples and house supplies. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Take a personal day if you can to relax and reset. Be kind to yourself. Some extra take out or using paper plates, fewer baths, etc won’t matter in the long run.
@obiviva Fun baths sound awesome, I want to do that for myself! And sorting out the cleaning/laundry seems to be a common piece of advice that I hadn’t really thought much about so I’ve got to make sure we get these done in the next couple of days before the trip
@joshanna Have you thought about introducing the shower rather than trying to keep doing baths?

Or sponge baths most of the time might be good enough.

Best of luck - it's a tough time.
@joshanna I solo patent every other weekend. These are good tips! Any suggestions on making new other solo parent mom friends? I find it really lonely when I don’t have plans. But I also find it really tiring when I have too many plans! Lol
@sudhir I feel like I’ve lost all the energy I used to put into maintaining friendships but I agree that it’s important to have others around who understand what we’re going through. Definitely need to find some way to get back into being more social!
@joshanna With my toddlers I keep meals easy when I’m alone. On weekends we do the park, Target or grocery store either morning or afternoon to break the day up.