Don’t hate me…but I’m not sure because he slept through the night pretty early and I’m not sure if official methods count during naps?? Maybe Ferber? Basically we would let him fuss in the crib for up to 10 minutes. If he was truly crying, or it was escalating a lot, we’d go in earlier. But provided he was fed, changed, and had been up at least a couple of hours (at that point, now at 9.5mo his wake windows are 3-4 hours)…we watched on the monitor.
Hugely helpful was recording his schedule on a notepad and noticing when he took contact naps. Then I started rocking him to sleep and transferring him during those times. Eventually we put him down awake but sleepy after half a bottle-change-rest of bottle in the rocking chair. Sometimes he slept an hour, or 20 min…but I tried to follow his own schedule. Your baby is too young for that though! Again, we didn’t start this until 4 months and it wasn’t successful really until closer to 5 months. That’s when I went back to work full time so I’m thankful we kept up with the efforts.
It will get better! For now, try to enjoy (hard, I’m not ashamed to admit that I did not enjoy the newborn period of constant contact) and utilize the carrier as much as you can
Hugely helpful was recording his schedule on a notepad and noticing when he took contact naps. Then I started rocking him to sleep and transferring him during those times. Eventually we put him down awake but sleepy after half a bottle-change-rest of bottle in the rocking chair. Sometimes he slept an hour, or 20 min…but I tried to follow his own schedule. Your baby is too young for that though! Again, we didn’t start this until 4 months and it wasn’t successful really until closer to 5 months. That’s when I went back to work full time so I’m thankful we kept up with the efforts.
It will get better! For now, try to enjoy (hard, I’m not ashamed to admit that I did not enjoy the newborn period of constant contact) and utilize the carrier as much as you can