My daughter (4) washed my back

@donkeyhead This is so lovely thank you for sharing. My 3 year old was stroking the baby bump yesterday and giving it a hug, it was really sweeet. And she wanted to be picked up so she could “rest her head on my shoulder”, it’s so lovely. Then last night she was so shattered it was the first time she fell asleep before the end of her story, I’ve never been able to watch her sleep like that. It makes your heart burst.

Feelings like that are impossible to describe. It is SUCH hard work and has been so so so hard recently but those little moments wipe so much away.
@donkeyhead This is beautiful. And definitely something I hope for. My 17m old is starting to understand empathy already, when we get hurt or say we don't feel good she aggressively hugs us and tries to kiss the booboo.

Definitely be proud of yourself, you're doing a good job.
@donkeyhead Love thisssssss. I'm cryinggggg

My daughter is 2 . I always run my fingers thru her hair and down and up her back when she's falling asleep. One day I pretended to sleep so she would too. And she rubbed my head with her tiny fingers. And said "mommy nice". I melteddddddd.
I love these sweet daughtersss.
@donkeyhead My 3 year old brushed my hair today during bedtime and I MELTED, bedtime came and went for us too and she was so concentrated on the task at hand I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt this tender moment ❤️. Being a mom is incredibly rewarding ❤️❤️❤️
@donkeyhead Awww I love this. One of the most amazing things is when I'm sick and my 5yo daughter tries to take care of me the same way I care for her. I don't often go for baths, but my daughter also likes to come and hang out when I'm in the shower and she just chills
@donkeyhead Aw that's so sweet! We live in Japan and bathe with our 3 year old and he will occasionally want to wash our backs too. It's such a sweet and caregiving gesture, and reflects the love she has received from you.
@donkeyhead Here I am crying on my couch. What a precious moment. Ugh… seriously why am I on the verge of sobbing over this??? Maybe bc mine is 10 now and I get wistful about those sweet days being behind us as we trade them for preteen eye rolls and angsty sighs. She’s a great kid, don’t get me wrong - but reading this just has me alllllll up in my feelings remembering her sweet little girl voice.

What a sweet story, thank you for sharing!

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