My daughter (4) washed my back

@donkeyhead I had a rough day and a stupid argument with my bf which was resolved quickly before he came over. I cried in the kitchen while my 7y/o waited and listened. In the midst of me crying silently with my hands over my face, I felt my 7y/o son wrap his arms around me and just hug me and tell me he loves me. Grabbed me a paper towel off the roll and handed it to me to wipe my face. At that moment I knew all my hard work as a mom was worth it. They definitely can tell!
@donkeyhead Crying. I was having a hard day when my ex and child’s father disappeared and is suspected to be using again or worse. I cried for a few minutes and my son (16 months) came to me for hugs and said mama like 5 times while also “mmmm”ing (something we do when we comfort or hug eachother/a pet). Our kids love us even though they’re kind of assholes sometimes, these moments really solidify it for us as parents. The love is unbreakable and I wouldn’t change who my son is for the world.
@donkeyhead I LOVE THIS! I just had my first baby & daughter back in July. I love her so much already and I know that there will be hard days, but reading this just makes me so excited for these small moments.

Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
@donkeyhead Girl, this brought some serious tears in my eyes 🥺

She’s a love bug. I took a bath with my boos the other day. Like a beached whale 🐳 of course. That doesn’t matter though. My boos are the best little humans that happened in my life. I honestly don’t know where I would be without them 😪

They’re about to be 5! Unbelievable how fast time passes
@donkeyhead Oh my gosh this made me cry.

Touch is such a deep connective way to show care and affection. Your 4.5 year old understands that it makes her feel good when you do that to her too.

What a beautiful memory!
@donkeyhead Ahh it's the greatest isn't it 😭 i'm also pregnant with my daughters long awaited sibling, she's been asking for a baby brother/sister since basically she could talk, she's 4,5 too now and it's the greatest, she'll randomly kiss my belly and talk to the baby, grabs me water, offers to give me back massages and to take over household chores. It feels like my heart is going to explode, i cry like a baby, everytime