My 9 y.o. daughter is worried about getting fat and every meal is a fight

@brigantine What access to social media does she have? Does she have her own phone?

I ask because my oldest is adopted, and she had a phone that her family gave her, and they put no restrictions on it, and she had an eating disorder (among other problems) that were contributed to by the media she was consuming on her phone. As soon as I legally could I got rid of that thing.
@brigantine Definitely worth checking out therapy for this. 9 y/o's can absolutely develop body and appearance issues. Its much easier to treat anxieties and stuck thoughts about food and weight gain at this stage rather than helping her through anorexia or BN. Luckily, your dad senses seem to be helping you, noticing something is up with her behavior around food.
@brigantine What size is she in relation to the other kids? If she's one of the chunkier ones she's going to feel fat even if the doctor says her BMI is in the healthy range.

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