My daughter (4) washed my back

@donkeyhead That is so sweet! You're doing a great job! Be sure to save this story somewhere else too so you'll always remember these little details, reddit be damned.
@donkeyhead Wow. I can’t even explain why but this just made me really really cry. My daughter (21 months) is currently sleeping on my lap. I hope we share special bonds like this one day. What a wonderful daughter you have. You’ve done good momma ❤️
Thank you everyone for your amazingly kind words!!! I didn't expect to be crying at my own post, or crying at the replies.

I just wanted to share for all of us that have so many hard days in a row with these babies that it does get better! Thank you seriously! Reading your comments has been a joy today!
@donkeyhead This is beautiful and thank you for sharing. Sometimes we just need a reminder to join our kids in the moment…it may lead to sweet memories like this.