My daughter (4) washed my back

@henryjeremy I've been using it for years! It's Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Vanilla Patchouli. I have bought more and less expensive brands, but the scent combo just works perfectly! (Even though it dries my skin out)
@donkeyhead my daughter has been driving me nuts all day, im reading this as she’s finally falling asleep for her (very late) nap after being on strike all day and i am tearing up. i hope she knows how much i love her and i do as well with her as you have with yours 🥺 thank you for posting this reminder. ❤️
@donkeyhead This is so darling. Today my little accidentally bumped her toy into my elbow (you know, the sensitive inner side where your life flashes before your eyes if someone hits it hard enough!) and I couldn't help that the tears started flowing (I wasn't crying per se but it was my body's reaction) she just kept kissing my head over and over again and saying she's sorry and she's going to make it better. It was just the sweetest thing and my heart just about exploded. It's the little moments that make everything so magical.
@donkeyhead I love this. My son is a little over 2.5 and he loves washing my hair if we are in the tub (there’s a shower hose attachment thing in a big soaking tub, he loves it) and it’s my favorite thing ever but is going to get so weird so fast the older he gets. So I treasure every hair washing because they are numbered haha.
@donkeyhead This is the most heartwarming post I’ve seen on Reddit. Tears streaming down my face, how special and how sweet. You’ve done so well easing that little one.