I am so f*cking sick of this nausea

@adamdilsoday I was in the exact same boat as you. Thought I was fine, then it hit me all like a truck one morning. Zofran was the only reason I was even moderately functional, and even then all it seemed to do was keep me just shy of actually vomiting. Plus I was doing the 1st trimester away from my husband for work, living in a college dorm, and working 10-14 hour days. It was miserable to say the least lol. It got better around week 14 or 16 but yeah, 1st trimester is a suck salad, probably the worst one for my money. Don't be afraid to talk to your doc about different drug options!
@adamdilsoday If it makes you feel any better I was feeling the same way until about 12 weeks and I feel soooo much better now. I know it sucks but hopefully it will get better soon!
@adamdilsoday Me too! I just hit 10 weeks and it’s still going. All I want to do is eat and sleep and lay down. Im eating every two hours and if I don’t I will vom for sure. I even wake up throughout the night to eat and I literally can only eat like 5 foods right now. Ondansetron is a life-saver so def get that. I keep holding on that it will get better after the first trimester. Hang in there girl and I’ll try to too!
@adamdilsoday Yep day 1 of week 7 I’ve been sick since. They won’t give me anti nausea cos I’m able to keep down fluids but I literally can’t doing anything!!!! 😭 it’s all about the baby’s comfort and not mine 😒🤣 currently 10w4d amd im so over it
@adamdilsoday I’m 9 weeks and same issue here. Had a mental breakdown today bc I was so sick. But I wouldn’t worry about the weight gain. The only thing that helps me is eating small meals frequently. Being hungry makes me so much more nauseous
@adamdilsoday I'm almost 17 weeks and would still be throwing up daily if it weren't for the Reglan prescription I just got a week ago. I guess they finally decised to give me something when they realized at 16 weeks I was still vomiting daily. I got so damn dehydrated! That med has given me so much back.
@adamdilsoday I had a rough go with the morning sickness and nausea for the first 14-16 weeks. The only thing that got me through was Gatorade zero, McDonald’s cheeseburgers, and McDonald’s Coke. I kinda suffered through it because I was too nervous to take anything. Morning sickness came back at 30 weeks and I started taking bonjesta which has been a life savor.
@adamdilsoday Unisom and vitamin b12 for the win! It’s been used for a very long time and you can go to buy it over the counter right now! It saved me. Now that I’m in my second trimester, I try to go a night without taking it and BOOM I puke the next day. Take both at night (unisom is a sleep aid) and b6 night and morning. Plenty of research to back safety and effectiveness.
@adamdilsoday I feel your frustration and let me tell you, I was going through the same exact thing. I love to have kids but my pregnancy was a nightmare. By week 6, the nausea was so bad and I couldn’t keep anything down. What helped me the most was a coca cola slushie from 7eleven or u can make it at home as well. This savedddd me from losing more weight. It kept my nausea at bay and I was able to at least eat something without thinking about vomitting 24-7. In my case, i had nausea up until 12 weeks. I hope it gets better for you!!
@adamdilsoday Have you tried taking one vitamin B plus unisom tablet (make sure you get the tablets!) every night before bed yet? It has worked wonders for me and both are over the counter, no prescription required! I know it’s so miserable but it truly starts getting better around week 10/11
@adamdilsoday Talk to your doctor. As someone who has had horrible nausea/vomiting both pregnancies and has lost substantial amounts of weight (20+ pounds in both) because of it, get the nausea meds. Zofran is so helpful and allows me to be at least somewhat functional and able to stomach some food. Also, totally normal in the 1st trimester to lose weight. You generally don’t start gaining anything until 2nd, sometimes 3rd trimester. The nausea does eventually get better. I am 23 weeks now and while I definitely still get nausea and vomiting, it is much better. Something that always helped me in the early days was drinking calories like smoothies and eating cold things like yogurt, ice cream and etc. Bananas are great too for nausea. Being able to eat something helped with the energy levels! Hang in there!
@adamdilsoday This is my second baby and with the first one I was extremely sick . I am still sick this time around but not as bad because I am taking Diclegis for nausea and ondadetron / Zofran for vomiting , Prilosec for heartburn and I eat high protein meals , I also get 2 IV infusions a week because I can’t drink water . I am 12 weeks now and until 2 weeks ago I was so sick and used to throw up like 30 times a day . I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel until I got on this routine . Please ask your doctor for Diclegis for your nausea . The sooner you start it the better . Good luck , mama !
@adamdilsoday I am 11 weeks and 5 days today and have been struggling with motivation and already suffers from depression prior to pregnancy so it is getting bad but my boyfriend as made it difficult to focus on the depression