Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

@i_love_you_lots I find it funny it’s only mentioned about kids. If you buy a house the first thing someone says isn’t “so when are you going to buy another one? (Unless your building a property portfolio) or if you buy a new car “oh, when are you going to get another one?” Yet it is the norm for pregnancy and children. I just don’t get it.
@i_love_you_lots I swear I hear this every single time I mention I am one and done. Not only that, but this baby is still baking and people are asking me when the next one is due. TF?!?!

I am also due in March, I am already over it and my husband does not want me to go through pregnancy again.
@i_love_you_lots I have a mom friend who keeps insisting I have another baby so her 2 month old has someone to grow up with. I keep explaining to her that it's not happening for multiple reasons. She keeps pushing the issue. I don't understand why I have to constantly talk about this. Just because I am good with her daughter and love babies does not mean I need to have more. I'm sorry her daughter won't have a play mate down the street but that isn't my problem either. My daughter and her son can easily play with her daughter as she grows older.
@pearl24 I agree, but she's already a single mom juggling two children. She mentioned if she had a third then she would want a fourth so the third child didn't feel left out. I just looked at her and told her don't do something that stupid. I was flabbergasted though.
@dfd61 It's easy to flippant to strangers on the internet, but it's different when it's your friend. I hope she does what's best for herself and her children. Good on you for being patient with her.
@i_love_you_lots Why did you even bother telling the realtor you were one & done? I never stated it to anyone and whenever people would ask when I’m having another I would just laugh and say “we’re trying!”. Just to shut them up.
@religionpsych Yeah I agree with this. It was unnecessary to tell the realtor OP was one and done, especially when the first isn’t even out yet.

It’s hard dealing with these comments anyway, no need to give people more of an opportunity to do it.
@i_love_you_lots My response to the pushback has been that we are getting a vasectomy.

Now the vasectomy is 2 weeks away (daughter is 10 months) and I can’t wait to respond that we already had one.

My husband would prefer everyone and their mom not to picture his vas deferens being snipped, but you know what, it shuts people up in a hurry, so he is understanding of my utilizing that info when necessary.
@debarktango That's hilarious, I also have a 10 month old and can't wait to use the "nah, husband already had a vasectomy, all done." How long from first appointment to procedure did it take for you guys? We haven't started the process yet but I'm not sure if it's quick or if it takes lots of visits?
@whatgoeshere He literally had the initial consultation yesterday! The doctor asked him if he’s sure (took one “yes” for an answer), gave him the run-down on the procedure, and said he can have it pretty much any time. He scheduled it for 2 1/2 weeks from now because he’s got a few days off work then. He can drive himself there and back and they said he should be 100% 2 days later.

ETA we are in the US and have BCBS, we already hit our deductible from the birth so it’ll be no cost.
@debarktango awesome!! My husband was surprised by this, he just assumed it took forever to get it scheduled lol We were debating whether to do it sooner or wait till the new year, he has to check with insurance. He's also wondering how many days of work he can convince them to let him have off lol
@i_love_you_lots "Trust me, you'll change your mind"

"Oh, did you change your mind? Are you the type of person who changes their mind a lot? Do you have a hard time sticking to your plans? Because that's really not what I'm looking for in a realtor."
@i_love_you_lots I respond with "Nahh, bc my husband is getting a vasectomy 11/19😤 ONE AND DONE" We have a almost 5 month old, I mentally would not be able to handle another & I was the oldest of 5, so the trauma of hearing my parents complain about having too many kids & us kids not being able to have a lot bc of too many kids, nope.