I am so f*cking sick of this nausea

@dudoan That's funny because one of the few things I craved before I got my Zofran was a sausage and egg biscuit from McDonald's, and I don't think I could have told you the last time I actually ate at a McDonald's. It worked too, hubby got me two and I ate one for breakfast and one for lunch šŸ˜… and then never wanted one again lol
@dudoan Yessss to the mcdonalds, especially for breakfast when I was the most nauseated. Bacon egg and cheese biscuit and a sausage McMuffin and I was good to go lol
@adamdilsoday 7 weeks here and right there with you. I felt absolutely fine up until 6 weeks and then the nausea and fatigue hit me like a truck, and with it, depression. I have no motivation, work is an absolute chore, I want to cry every time I have to attend a meeting and the highlight of my day is crawling into bed at 8pm as soon as my husband puts my daughter down (blessedly he had taken over bedtime because I just CANNOT).

This is my second pregnancy and whatā€™s getting me through this time is knowing this too shall pass! With my first I felt rotten until about 12 weeks and it was like a weight lifted. Iā€™m hoping this will be the same even though 5 weeks more feels like an eternity right now. I remember feeling so low last time around thinking it would never end, but it does. Honestly I would take the third trimester and all its discomforts before Iā€™d ever go through the first trimester again. It really is the worst.
@sarah333 Ah maaaaan, this sucks. Glad to hear from u and a lot of people that it does pass for a lot of people. I was also a little jet lagged which I think made everything far worse, I feel a tiny bit better today but Iā€™m also getting tired and wanting to crawl into bed at 8pm (and I do lol)
@adamdilsoday Ugh sameeee! I get hit with it every day from 1-6 and thatā€™s the worst time because my twins come home from school and I have to do hw, run to sports and cook and bathe them. Iā€™m so over this nausea as happy as I am to be pregnant.
@adamdilsoday Yup!!!!! Girl that was me. I was sick, lost 10 pounds .. The thought of food had me gaging. It was horrible. I was sick all day and even in my sleep. No Joke!!!

iā€™m 11 weeks and Its not completely gone not by any means but its slightly better or more manageable.

Soo sorry your feeling this poor baby!!
Hang in there momma. It will get better. try lemon water strong lemon water.
B6 vitamins and sleep aid.
also there are these wrist bands you can bye that squeeze the wrists pressure points.
AND they have nausea candies on amazon made with ginger.

I hope these work for you my dear ā¤ļøā¤ļø
@adamdilsoday Ask for medication (diclectin does not work). I'm almost 16 weeks and this is the first week I can actually eat since getting pregnant. I am just now realizing how sick I was. It is awful. It is like living with a flu for months. I lost weight. It is so nice now to see my bump bumping and enjoying food (or even water).
@dfrost Wooo Iā€™ve only lost 10 lbs so far but yes HG whooped my ass!! Iā€™m still struggling with it at 14+2 but Iā€™ve had a couple of good days recently so hoping Iā€™m turning a corner.
@adamdilsoday Girl same here. Baby #2 for me & in my first trimester I was like I got this I felt great no morning sickness nothing I was walking around like a star lmao. I got to my 18th week and itā€™s been down hill from there on lol I just wanna have this baby already fr! Iā€™m 20weeks now & Iā€™m trying to eat and feel good buuuuut šŸ˜‘