I am so f*cking sick of this nausea


New member
At 6 weeks I was like “psh this pregnancy is easy! I’m probably going to be one of those women who just has a really easy pregnancy” (I do this mostly to try to manifest it to come true rather than just being a dumb b*tch)

I hit 7 weeks and basically from That Day Forth I’ve had an unrelenting feeling of nausea between meals, it seems to stop once I’ve eaten but I’m not putting on extra weight during pregnancy that’s for f*cking sure. I’m at 8 weeks 4 days now.

I literally have No Motivation Or Energy to do Anything At All and it’s REALLY getting me the fuck down. I am so early into this and it’s gone from being fine to sucking so mf bad.

Like, I want to be a Mum, but I’m also terrified because I never wanted kids at all, I had to spend at least 2 years trying to wrap my head around this whole thing bc my husband really wanted kids…anyway I’m fine with the concept but this nausea can fuck off and ALSO fuck the medical industry for not prioritising women EVER and not helping us with more research and potential cures or relief for this shit. Fuck this.

EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone who’s commented. It feels so good to know I’m not the only one, your advice and kind words have really helped. I’m feeling a bit better today but last night was shite so I just ranted on here and to see the comments has made me feel very comforted x
@adamdilsoday go to your doctor and get a prescription for ondansetron!! it SAVED my life i swear. i was a brand new woman after i got put on that. it’s the only reason i was able to go to work, get on a plane, eat food, etc.
@adamdilsoday I took Zofran staring at 10 weeks through my whole pregnancy (currently 39weeks). It’s a miracle drug and allows me to navigate the world and work without feeling awful all the time. Ask for help if you need it!
@adamdilsoday Omg I could have written this. And I’m 8 + 5. But it’s my second time, so I know it passes and we should be feeling more like ourselves again soon. About ten weeks is the magic time for many. (Although some have it forever). The frustration and depression of not being able to make my physical being perform the way my mind wants and needs it to is real.
@adamdilsoday I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way, but there’s a good chance it’ll be better soon!
From week 6 to 9 I felt awful the entire time.. to the point where even the thought of the baby made me sick (which made me more upset).

But since then (I’m 15 weeks 5 days now) I’ve only had intermittent nausea and it’s never as bad as it had been during those weeks.

You got this!! It’s normal and it will pass ♥️
@adamdilsoday Weirdly, the only thing that would stop the nausea for me was McDonald’s. I ate so many Big Macs and fries! Peanut butter too to prevent allergies. And I didn’t even gain that much weight. My friends would say the McDonald’s probably put anti-vomit RX in their food and that’s why it worked so well!
@dudoan crazy because the only thing that sounds good to me to eat and doesn't make me feel nauseous is mcdonald's chicken nuggets 😂 i never eat at mcdonald's either so it's so weird