Husband Appreciation


New member
Just wanted to show some husband appreciation. I know pregnancy hormones are real and I’ve been a lot more sensitive and cranky than normal which has been hard on my husband as typically we have a lively banter going on between us. I made a dumb comment about myself being a whale and he responded, “Oh babe, you’re not a whale. You’re more like a kangaroo.” 🤣😍😭 Coming from a man that has a hard time with compliments and words of affirmation, I’ll take that all day! Lol

He is more of an acts of service type guy which usually does nothing for me in terms of feeling loved. But since being pregnant I appreciate all his trips to the grocery store, college type dinners, spending more time with our older daughter, and not making me feel the least bit bad for going days without doing any housework.

What is something you’re thankful for, even if you have to dig deep for it?
@blurredcontours Are you me? My husband is also an acts of service type of guy. He’s not the most affectionate or touchy (I’d likened him to a cat for most of our marriage) but my oh my would he go out of his way to show his affection.

Grocery shopping, cooking, buying new born baby clothes, new born baby gear, playing with our four year old toddler, booking all of our Christmas and NY Plans.

He’s an amazing person and I feel so blessed to have him in our lives.

He’s an amazing father to our four year old and a wonderful husband. I can’t wait for our baby girl to come out and meet him
@blurredcontours TW: bleeding

I have been in the hospital due to bleeding (placenta previa) for over 72 hours and my husband has been so patient and understanding and supportive the entire time. He’s sleeping on this really uncomfortable bed and refuses to go home to sleep even though I have round the clock care. He has been home 1x a day to shower and do chores but is here all the time. I am truly grateful for his support. We don’t know when we will go home but he’s here supporting me and this baby. ❤️
@blurredcontours I've been in the hospital for a week tomorrow and my fiance has been my rock he's spent multiple nights on the awful couch, brings me food everyday, and showered me when I couldn't cause of the IV wraps. I ended up giving him the middle name he wants due to how much I appreciate his support.
@blurredcontours My husband is currently cleaning the entire apartment and putting up a new TV mount he got… making me food, making sure I’m drinking water… I still go and make him dinner and make sure he’s taken care of, but it’s nice to just sit in bed and be lazy for a bit while I’m trying not to throw up everywhere lol

I appreciate all he’s doing, he’s not excited about the baby, but he’s not upset… just vibing with the universe lol I think it’ll change a bit once the baby comes though 😝
@blurredcontours My husband was fantastic too and keeps being that way as a dad. Isn’t it awesome when you get an amazing husband that actually does what he’s supposed to do and beyond? His comment to you is SO sweet. That’s love, mamas. 🥹❤️
@blurredcontours Omg this makes me so happy to read! We love a guy who takes care of his precious family 💕 I’m 36 weeks and so thankful for my amazing three year old. She told me I’m a good mom the other day. Unprompted might I add which was awesome because she’s a huge daddy’s girl !
@blurredcontours My husband has been an absolute godsend this pregnancy. He’s super patient with me. Deals with all my whining. Takes me on nice slow walks. Lifts all the heavy things and has attended any and every appointment I asked him to. He cleaned out the nursery (to be) this weekend, has assembled all our furniture (we’re moving) and overall has just been such a supportive loving partner this whole time.

I’ve also started to waddle (yay low babies, I’m only 31 weeks!) and was feeling a bit insecure about it and he was like “you’re just a cute penguin!” 😅
@blurredcontours He’s been able to deal with my crazy hormones with patience. He’s also been emotionally supportive especially with this pregnancy having problems. He helps clean, cook and surprises me with food or gifts to make me feel better. He’s also been making me feel confident and happy with my changing body. 💕
@blurredcontours This post has made me so emotional. Look at all these lovely people helping make one of the hardest things we will go through just that much easier.

I tell my Husband every day how much I appreciate him, how much I love him and thank him for all he's doing to make my life & pregnancy easier; but I still don't think it's enough!

He's truly been wonderful all these months and I know he's going to be the most amazing father, and continue to be the most incredible husband after our little one is here.

Cooking, nesting with me, comforting me, lifting me up (physically & emotionally) and making me, so beautiful even though I feel like a hot mess.

I wish he could see himself through my eyes, and I wish I could do even a fraction of what he's done for me, for him. He's not remotely materialistic and so humble, so it's not as easy as buying him something.
@blurredcontours Your post is so cute, I love the “more like a kangaroo” comment - it’s little things like that that make you feel so much better!!

I keep getting self conscious about my big belly and my partner keeps saying “no sweetie, it’s a big baby. That’s our baby in there. And she’s growing so strong!” And he makes sure to remind me any time I feel like I’m “fat”. 😭🙏

He’s put up with my mood swings, icks, fatigue, cravings, you name it so graciously, I genuinely don’t know what I’d do without him. We got it good! 🥰
@blurredcontours My husband has been awesome. He's a "touch" guy, not an "acts of service" guy, but he's leaned into the acts of service throughout our relationship. (My preference is "acts of service" and/or "quality time.") He's been so supportive, and he's also very excited to be a dad. He helped do a lot of research on car seats and strollers early on and has been instrumental in getting the nursery room ready. He was already great interacting with friends' kids, so I knew he would be a good dad. He's afraid of the baby phase, but that won't last long anyway. Once our baby learns how to talk, I'm sure he'll fall even more in love.
@blurredcontours He cooks, cleans, does laundry, snuggles, makes me laugh, and surprises me with fun activities after a long day. He was already a wonderful husband before this pregnancy. The support he has shown during these months gives me so much warmth and joy. He will be an amazing dad 🥰 (edit for typo!)
@blurredcontours My partner has been a saint and I make sure to tell him that as often as possible. My heart goes out to all the people who have subpar or shitty partners on here - I've read some horror stories.

Love a good partner story :)
@blurredcontours Yes! My husband is doing anything he can think that will make my day easier. Last night I forgot something upstairs, before I could fully set myself in motion he was on his way to go grab it for me. He offers to set up my foot bath thing if I have a long day and had taken on the bulk of the household management.

I was nervous, because after my maternity leave he'll be a stay at home parent and this is a change for him. He's really embracing this though! I'm so grateful he's taken on this role for our family.
@blurredcontours My hubby is the golden retriever type. He becomes happy easily from getting hugs and hearing sweet words.

We have the same financial goals and usually crave the same foods (besides his love of hamburgers).

Sometimes I feel down or worried, but he’s never doubted our relationship. We are both generally easygoing people and are not the yelling type. If we have an argument, we usually make up within the hour.
@blurredcontours He tells me I'm beautiful all the time. When he wakes me up in the morning, when he comes home from work and meets me (his office hours are more than mine). He tells me I look beautiful or cute or adorable at random times of the day, also when I glam up if we're going on a date.

I think it has increased since I've got pregnant lol. Why I love it though is that not once have I gotten conscious of how fat I'm getting or other changes. I feel beautiful too. Ofcourse it could be because I myself feel beautiful but having my husband peppering me with love and kisses and compliments all the time must have definitely been a cause for this as well.
@blurredcontours Yay for amazing husbands! Mine is too - he’s insisted on coming to every doctor’s appointment, does all the housework, planning my meals for nutrition, taking me out on daily walks, and telling me that I’m the most radiant I’ve ever looked (even though I feel far from it). I’m so so appreciative and thankful for him!
@blurredcontours He’s been taking care of so many things around the house that I didn’t even realize were bothering me, all while still taking the time each evening to give me a massage and braid my hair like he did before pregnancy. All this while also having taken over some huge new responsibilities at work in the past two months! Last weekend he decided to completely reorganize our closet and my dresser, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. It is so nice and put together with new bins sorting all my shirts and various clothing items. I’ve known since when we first started dating that he was a very organized and cleanly man (He had more than one type of body wash/shampoo/conditioner lol, meal prepped weekly, and his apartment was spotless), but I’ve just been so thankful for how he’s really stepped up to the challenge now that I’m heavily pregnant. I struggle with asking for help, but he’s helping heal my guilt and supports me so selflessly. He’s so excited to be a girl dad too, which has melted my heart a bit. He keeps saying she can’t get here soon enough and honestly, I couldn’t agree more. I’m so excited to face this new season of life with him, challenges and all, and even more thankful our daughter has such an incredible dad.