The Final Straw w/ Husband

@bigred009 I honestly don't understand why you even put up with his behaviour for this long. It's completely unacceptable, and I am shocked that it is not illegal yet.

My thoughts go out to you during this difficult time, OP.
@bigred009 You DEFINITELY had me in the first half. I was like what did this asshole do to this internet stranger. But seriously… I would consider this strike one.
@bigred009 I dont process or show emotion all that well so I guess the nurses in the c-section room were thinking I was some kind of sociopath when they were pulling my son out, in reality I was so overwhelmed with emotion i was just trying not to cry.

Anyway, baby does a big ole stretch and I exclaim, "oooh that's a big stretch!" The nurses laughed and said, "oh good your normal!"
@bigred009 What you really need to be concerned with is him not blowing raspberries on the belly when the baby stretched. He has failed you both and he must suffer the consequences!!
@bigred009 Not to be dramatic but I hope you have a good attorney, he's going to play the "good dad card" because he was the one on the floor with baby in the first place. So sorry for this battle ahead for you, but you have to do what's best for your family, mama!!!

And since that asshole didn't say it....OOOOOOH BABY DID SUCH A BIG STRETCH, WHAT A BIG STRONG BABYYYYY!