Husband Appreciation

@blurredcontours My husband has taken over the litter boxes for our six cats and doesn’t complain about it! I really appreciate it! He also was really helpful with getting me Preggo pops etc when my morning sickness was really bad. He is always telling me how attractive he finds me which is really helpful with my changing body! He has also gone to all ultrasounds and prenatal appointments with me and is so excited about our baby boy
@blurredcontours Definitely a shout out to my husband for not only putting up with my very cranky mood swings this pregnancy, but also just like...doing everything.

I have been so sick up until 5 months, and then after that I've had so much pain, heartburn, exhaustion, etc, just like...barely capable of doing a whole lot of anything and my husband has just graciously been doing everything [even the smallest thing sometimes]. Even things I was going to do then suddenly couldn't, and has never complained once. All the while watching our extremely active 5 year old.

We normally split things in the house evenly, but he's been definitely doing way more, and also doing so much of the running around, errands, etc. He'll tell me "Go lay down and rest!" When I try to help with things.
@blurredcontours This is what these men should be doing in the first place. Staying with your hospitalized spouse after she carried your child for 9 months and ripped her body open delivering said child is the bare minimum. Same with shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc.
@blurredcontours I love this post ❤️. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with baby #4 and my husband has been so amazing this entire pregnancy (he’s always amazing).

I’ve really had a hard time forcing myself to take time to rest and recognizing when I’m doing too much. He always makes sure to tell me to slow down a bit and let him handle things. He reminds me that taking a lazy day is not going to hurt me and he has never shamed me for not getting things done that I promised to handle (I’ve been a stay at home mom for the past year). He does all the grocery shopping, takes the dog to the groomer, takes the kids to their activities and goes to my doctor appointments as much as possible. He’s started going into work a bit later (his job is flexible) so he can be home a little longer in the mornings to help me get our older kids ready for school. And on top of all that he always tells me how great I look and how I’ve been “crushing it” this pregnancy (I’ve really focused on my health the last few years). He does all of this while working a high-stress job that requires him to take calls 24/7.

Truly, the list of things he does is endless and I am beyond grateful to have such an amazing life partner.
@blurredcontours Yes! On week 27 and my husband has done pretty much everything for me. I think I’ve cooked one meal in the last 4 months. Pregnancy is hard and I have so much respect for anyone who does it alone/with a shitty partner. I’m still having a hard time even with so much support!
@blurredcontours My husband has made me fall in love with him all over again. He has been amazing and supportive in ways I could never even think to ask him to be. He has been making all the dinners, getting the shopping and washing up and making sure all I have to do is grow our baby 💜
He’s usually the laid back relaxing type and nothing stresses him out (which means things take time to get done usually) but since we found out he’s been on the ball all the time. I’m so thankful for him 🥹
@blurredcontours My partner is trying to find the right balance - I'm hugely stubborn & independent so he's had it rough 🤣 I'm now at the stage in pregnancy where I struggle to put my shoes on etc bend down to get things from the floor etc. I've recently started to get too uncomfortable standing for too long so he's worked out that it's 'safe' now to assume I can't do it and will come help me without me asking 🤣
He's been very good, he wants to take care of me & has been doing more around the house & helping me when I'm struggling. He likes to make funny little sarcastic comments every so often which makes me laugh and he rolls his eyes when I ask for something but all in jokes. He's doing very well & I'm grateful for him. ❤️