Hot take: I don't like alphabet learning materials using giraffe for "G"

@coldcatsoup I'd support this for sure. It's not even a "real" sound, even the International Phonetic Alphabet represents it as /ks/ rather than its own symbol because it's the consonant sounds /k/ followed by /s/.
@scarred4life Is your differentiator that an xylophone has wooden bars while a glockenspiel has metal ones? And things like the fisher price 'Xylophone' are actually glockenspiels too?
@weston63 I always understood alphabet books to be teaching spelling rather than phonics, hence why you get the giraffe-goat issue of OP where both are accurate to spelling but goat is more phonetic. Bit doesn’t matter much.

Examine made a lot of sense since it was a walk in the country