I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@jolene576 That really, really sucks! Upside is you are likely to have a nice quick labour if you are starting out your induction already dilated. Sending good labour vibes, and fingers crossed your LO makes an appearance soon!
@jolene576 I'm only at 29 weeks, and already I'm like "holy hell, how much more of this do I have to endure?" Doesn't help that I know it's going to get much worse from here!

Your feelings are so so valid, arson sounds quite reasonable to me. Just make sure no one gets seriously hurt. :)
@jolene576 I feel like they need to properly communicate how scheduled induction works because we had the same issue.

Doctor recommended we schedule an induction because baby's growth was behind. We’d already asked about elective induction at 39 weeks so when we heard this, I was 100% on board.

My OB is like we’ll schedule you for tomorrow! Of course as first time parents my husband and I went into Oh shit we are bringing home a baby mode. Rushed to do a bunch of last minute stuff. Told our parents and friends.

And then we called the next day and NOPE no beds available. Told to check back the next day. Same thing happens the next day. My OB had to basically game the system and schedule me for a foley bulb because then they HAD to let me in the hospital 24hrs after. It was so stressful being in limbo for those few days. If it had been communicated to me that it can often take a couple days to secure a bed for induction, I never would have said anything to my parents ahead of time. They were flipping out which just increased my stress.

Good luck! It WILL be over eventually and once you are holding your baby this totally justified irritation with fade.
@jolene576 The baby is just around the corner. Hang in there. I know it's frustrating and my words probably won't help at all, but... seriously! Within a week, your baby WILL be here.

It's tough right now, because your body literally feel like it's going to explode. That's a good sign, it means your baby is on it's way and ready to come out. I was overdue with both of my children. 1st one: Born at 42+0 (Induced). 2nd: Born at 41+3 (No induction. Came all by herself).

Before you know it, you will have completely forgotten this moment, because you will be holding your little bundle of joy in your arms and be absolutely stuffed with love to this little creature. You'll be looking back at his moment and wonder: "Why the hell was I angry? Why was I so worried?"

Take care, OP. You can do this! Stay strong!
@jolene576 If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat (but kind of opposite)

At 33 weeks with twins I went to the hospital IN ACTUAL LABOR, 5cm and 90% when admitted, progressing quickly and suddenly it just...stopped??? So they kept me, I'm somehow still pregnant two weeks later and I am rip someone's head off uncomfortable, but they can't do anything to speed things along until I'm technically term at 37 weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for every day they still get to grow in here, but if one more person asks me when the babies are coming I will personally break my own water
@jolene576 The good sleeping partner is the worst. I remember when my first was about to come, I endured the first ten hours alone and he got a good sleep. In the hospital (he stayed with us the first two days) he got pissed my mother wanted to visit us the day after the birth because HE WAS TIRED. As if he was the one who had almost 25 hours of labor to endure and a baby to nurse.
@jolene576 Your feelings are totally valid. I hope it’s ok to mention this, but I read somewhere that the “normal” gestation time for humans is actually 41 weeks 1 day. Interesting right!? Not helpful at all but...
@jolene576 I'm so sorry! My mother said that when she was pregnant with me, I was 10 days late, and since she was having a med-free water birth with a doula, the most she could do was walk laps around the local shopping mall to try and "shake me out." I'm glad they were able to admit you though, I hope you have a positive birthday experience and you and baby are healthy and happy.

And feel free to commit a little arson. As a treat.
@jolene576 Ya know it might be for the best. It took 5 days for my induction to work at 39weeks. He was not ready at all and neither was my body. So maybe the extra time will help for when the time does come eventually. Then one day soon you’ll have your baby in your arms and the trouble to get them there will become just a memory
@jolene576 I know it doesn't always work, but I was desperate to go into labor so I spent my afternoon walking a couple miles, drinking a liter of red raspberry leaf tea, and I texted my SO that I needed to borrow him for sex when he got home. I started having contractions 10 minutes after the act.
@jolene576 Do them squats girl! Also, to make sure you're not leaking with a slow water break; underwear off and lay down for 30 minutes, if liquid runs down your leg when you stand up, your water broke.