I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@freeusa I didn't get diarrhea at all, but I think some people do. That is how the castor oil works to put you into labour, by causing intestinal contractions, which is also what can give you the runs.
@jolene576 With my second I was supposed to go in to be induced. I was also at 41. I remember excitedly calling that morning to make sure they had room... Only to be told they didn't have room, and to try again two days later.

I sat down on the steps when I heard the news and just cried for about an hour. It was horrible. My mom tried to say some of those platitudes (she was staying with us to watch my son) and I told her to f right off.

I'm so sorry you're going through that now. I hope you get in soon and baby comes quickly and safely.
@jolene576 Thank you for making me laugh! I’m 19+5 on my second and I can absolutely wait till April! My son came ON his EDD, but only after giving me 3 solid days of grief before I was far enough along for the hospital to admit me. I feel your misery, momma!!! Hopefully you’ll be able to push that little girl out soon!! Hugs to you!
@jolene576 I was 41 w 2 days whenever they discovered my amniotic fluid was low and my placenta was aging. My midwife didn’t want me to wait any longer and she put me on the induction list. I literally went to the hospital twice because they told they had room only to be sent home because a more critical patient Had come in. I live about 40 minutes away from the hospital so this was really pissing me off. Finally got a room at 41 w 4 days and got induced that day. They showed me my placenta and it was super calcified. If he had stayed in any longer it wouldn’t have been good. I feel ya!
@jolene576 Mine was hourly texts from the in-laws about how to induce at home. Or texts saying “get that baby out”. Like some how I was in control and choosing to not give birth. Made me so frustrated. She did come on her own eventually
@jolene576 Ugh I am SO sorry!! The good news is those comments will come to an end soon and you’ll have your adorable squish in your arms.

The unfortunate bad news is that those comments will be replaced with NEW, even MORE annoying comments like, “OMG he/she is growing so much!” “You have such an EASY baby!” “He never cries when I hold him!!” Yeah. Try spending the night at my house and then try uttering the words easy. PS I will most definitely punch you if you do!

Hang in there mama!!
@jolene576 That's how I ended up having my first at 42 weeks. They gave me over the weekend to see if "anything happened", but come to find out the hospital was overbooked. It sucks. I feel for you momma, I also went a week over either my second. And now this one is 37+5 but im making a tiny bit of progress. I don't want a third induction but I don't want to go over again either.
@jolene576 This is why I put everyone on DND expect hubby and the hospital. I couldn’t stand these remarks. On top of the, “you really need to get up and walk” or “you know sex can help move things along”, or have tried spicy food.” I am still awe of my own magnificence in not seriously assaulting someone:
@jolene576 I’m 40 weeks + 4 days and they haven’t even mentioned induction. Been stuck at 2 cms for over 2 weeks now. I completely get it. And everyone texting asking when baby will be here is not fucking helping.