Help. I don't know what to do..

@fluxie Being physically aggressive, possessive and neglecting his children for a relationship are all deal breakers by themselves and also so so unattractive.
@fluxie I think you made a wise decision to run but you were forewarned by the ex. I get it seeing for yourself and quickly find out. Did your Girlfriend ever say he was controlling or overbearing?
@eucharistianchaplin I don't really remember. She said a lot of things. But again, this was 8 years ago, and they are okay ish now... I know how being in your feelings you can say a lot of hurtful things about someone... I've done it. So
@fluxie I was just asking and I am not judging you at all btw. I was just curious is all. As a man (I was guilty of trying to control everything) and I had no intention whatsoever of being that way ever. So basically I turned into someone or something I didn’t not recognize. If I told my whole 17 yrs with my ex wife no one would believe me. I am however not that way anymore thank goodness but that’s why I asked the question? The Guy definitely needs some time for himself and without anyone else in it. It takes time to fight that demon or demons and you should definitely look for a better prospect.
@eucharistianchaplin Well, I agree wholeheartedly. He needs to learn who he is both as a father and as a man. I don't think he is really a bad guy he's just too controlling and paranoid. I know this game. I've played it. This is how it starts. Then it goes on to try to get a girl pregnant to keep her. Then it goes on to financial dependence whether that's his or mine depends on the guy... My baby daddy was the same. He is a whole hell of a lot better person now that he has grown up and realized it took that stand up to be a great father. And sometimes you need the perspective to realize that.
@dwallsmd85 That was a short update. But like... yeah, my best friend is over it. I texted him to stop. And to leave me alone. But because he won't, she took matters into her own hands and started texting him... it is kind of mean, but honestly, I tried to be nice at first. He didn't get it. I blocked that number. He didn't get it. I blocked him on every platform I could, including the extra numbers on text now and kik... he didn't get it and got a new number... she was mad about it right with me...
I feel like this should be on AITA at this point, but idk. I'm at my wits end and no good with confrontation... my friend is good with confronting.. so...
@fluxie Scary. Good thing you decided to end it ASAP. Take care of yourself and your kids too. You’ll never know what he would be up to now that you ended things with him. Just be cautious and safe.
@fluxie But he already damaged you property! How come it’s not enough?! Omg 😩🥺 can’t imagine being in constant fear and anxiety because of a person. Be strong OP! Hope this situation ends asap. 🥺
@katrina2017 But he never damaged me.🙃 this town is fucked. They wouldn't help my sister either when she got date raped by her ex and his best friend either because it happened and is over with. The cop even told her "it's not like you are still with him right?"

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