Hot take: I don't like alphabet learning materials using giraffe for "G"

@moongold Same with C for Cat and K for Kangaroo... they both make the same sound, it's just english.

It's funny you bring up G though, my wife's first language is French and G is pronounced sounding very similar to J (another is E pronounced more like A) so it's not just English that has issues with it... now that I've pointed out alphabet dissonance in both alphabets I'm reconsidering why we are raising our kids with both of those languages lol
@beamlester C is a weird letter. Really the only unique sound it can make is ch, and that requires it to be paired with an h. Feels like we could swap c with k or s, and make c always be a ch sound.
@moongold There is an alphabet book that is hilarious for this reason. It purposefully uses silent letter words and makes it as confusing as possible.

P is for pterodactyl, T is for tsunami, K is for knife, etc

Edit: Found it. It’s actually called P is for Pterodactyl lol