Hot take: I don't like alphabet learning materials using giraffe for "G"

@azza1143 Then tell your server about the one about Odysseus and the Cyclops. Greek puns and word pronunciation Dad jokes always KILLS the minimum wage diner worker.
@00saved777 My wife is Czech, and every letter in Czech has just a single sound (they use accents for different sounds and don’t have digraphs or trigraphs). She finds English very annoying!
@00saved777 I think English and French are the Latin alphabet languages with the worst correspondence between letters and pronunciation. Spanish, Italian, German, Polish etc are much more straight forward.
@00saved777 The way they taught my kid was, they taught one spelling of each phoneme and then they added more and more graphemes over time. At the beginning he would get marked correct if his writing was spelled phonetically correctly with the graphemes he had been taught, even if the spelling was actually wrong (terodactil is correct for example).

By the end he had a like 5 or 6 graphemes for each phoneme and some graphemes in multiple phonemes... yeah English is great.
@00saved777 Try the Filipino alphabet. It’s the English alphabet minus the useless letters (C, Q, V, X, Z). J? No need for that either, just use DY together. Dyeep, dyuggler, dyello dyigglers. It works fine. Never mind what’s happening with F or NG.
@moongold I just refunded a set of picture alphabet flashcards. Try to guess what the picture is based on the guess of my 2yo…

P is for “bird!”
S is for “white bird!”

Finally lost it at:
Y is for “boat!”

I felt like my kid was about to get extremely lost if I kept it up.

(It was Parrot, Swan, Yacht)