Going through it

@cm0308 He is gonna regret every second he misses... trust me you are doin te right thing. Keep it up that shit pays off. you will struggle but you will make it. You made it this far.
@cm0308 Mine gets way to much money out of me and i still spend so much time and money on them when they come with me. Its not always the guys thats bad sometimes its the ladies.
@chiere She lives wirh her parents and only pays 500. How do i know ? Her parents are complaining that she sometimes doesnt pay anythinf and blames me for it. Because she spends it on botox or fillers or some kind of plastic surgery. I like how women always defend women whether they are right or wrong.
@cm0308 Your not alone you never will be I'm sure he regrets all the bad times you all had. Sure he never wanted things to go that way but he is in the past so he has to live with what he let go. Sorry for all your hurt and pain. I know things will get better for you. You probably will never want to to see him again but you had kids with him I'm sure he will be there if you need it. He just needs to his shit together he fell off his game for sure and you guys idea of a happy life. Sure he hates himself everyday for losing someone so great. Hope things get better for you and your children.
@cm0308 I’m feel your pain my husband left once my daughter was 3 and never looked back, she’s now 14 and my sons 16 and I’m struggling trying to find him a cheap reliable vehicle (as I can barely find that for myself) I drive a 2005 Tahoe and my ex has a 2023 ford truck with rims and all the extras just got a 2024 Harley, if I sit here and compare everything I don’t have to him I cry, but I also take pride in myself knowing when it comes down to it my kids know who makes the scarfices for them, and who really cares about them when it comes down too it. Just remember you’re bigger and stronger and better than him and the kids will eventually see that. I wish I could tell you it gets easier but it doesn’t and in today’s economy I am really struggling, the problem is we need two incomes under one roof even with CS it’s just not enough. And any time I ask for anything extra “im such a money hungry bitch” so I’ve given up even asking for anything even drs bills that supposedly he’s responsible for 50% I’d have to take him to court to get it so that’s pointless it’s all just a fight a fucking fight that shouldn’t have to fought. It’s disgusting that we have to fight so hard for what’s right….
@cm0308 Don’t ever let anyone blame you for choosing your kids. Sadly, even if you tried to collect child support, they would probably come up with every excuse or lie to avoid paying it. I have always chosen my kids way before we even got divorced because he always chose himself & still does.
@cm0308 I am in the same boat…. It does get better…. My boys are all grown and married…. But my 2 autistic daughters 10 and 15 are still home with me…. Their father has seen them maybe a total of 4 days in 8 years, 1 $10 gift card the first year we split and I had to force that…. Then $10 out of his pocket when I had to go to the town he moved to for my daughters medical, and I called him to let him know so he didn’t show up for the doc visit just McDonalds for 3 hours…. Then last year he was around 3 days when he thought he had a chance of getting back with me…. Once he realized there was no chance he went and moved in with some woman he met at the bar that same night….and has forgotten about my daughters once again….
I messaged him letting him know I was planning on moving out of state, he told me I would go to jail if I left state…. Little does he know I am going through the courts…. And I will leave if I want too he was supposed to have 1 weekend a month for the last 8 years and for 7 of those years he only lived 3 hours away and I was to meet him halfway….the last year he has been in the same town and still does not have any contact, but he thinks he can control us…. I know how hard it gets being a single mom, no breaks, no time to find someone to spend your life with unless your children are there and I refuse for my girls to meet anyone for at least 6 months…. And like someone said it must be nice to be able to abandon your children no cares on bills, making sure they are fed, bathed, and in bed…. It makes it very hard…. Best thing to do is join a single parents group, or get play dates going where you can alternate babysitting and help each other…. I wanted to do this but now with both my girls being special needs it has become very hard….
You have it lady…. Do not let it get to you!!! Hold your head high because you are raising the future without the help of a jerk…. So they won’t have his downfalls… learn his bad habits….
@cm0308 It will not always going to be so hard, there’s up and downs. You will get strength from within you, even when you think it’s all gone. Reaching writing when you feel like the pain is too much or even reaching out to a friend or family is needed at times. Some times people don’t understand the pain you are going through and it’s hard to explain to them. Don’t feel as tho it’s you. Someone told me recently: What you are doing is incredibly hard and you are being too hard on yourself.
Perhaps you’re hard on yourself too. I get this. I couldn’t have picked a worse dad for mine. I left him because of an abusive relationship about 5 years ago now and it’s been a roller coaster and I’ve been where you are more a lot. I can tell you that dwelling on the past or what you think were mistakes, will drive you insane and crush you. You need to focus on what you want your life to look like a make small changes towards that. And I only try one thing at a time because if not I just fail.
I’m sending hugs and love 💕
@cm0308 Please hang in there.

You're young and I know it's tough but ignore your ex, and focus on your kids and yourself.

It's not easy right now but it will get better over time... 👍
@cm0308 Nothing will break you now. You have made it. take a step back and pat yourself on the back and reward yourself, you should be damn proud. Im going through it too
My wife asked me to sell the house(I bought) in Oct 23 and just separate, we both worked but I made a bit more no prob. I'm 50 we were married 15 years together 17. we have a 10 yr old, I pay for her life, and she just won custody, no divorcer yet and she's has a boyfriend already. I took care of things did my job and never dod her wrong. I get to see my kid on every other weekend.
my point is, just ...
Enjoy your kids, it's blood sweat and tears, but worth it.
@cm0308 It's hard being a single parent but that's all I've ever been too. I don't think people judge us as much as we may think. Hang in there and don't lose hope or faith. God is always with us. Pray often and never feel like you're alone. There's many of us out here going through the same thing. 💯 Keep your head up.
@cm0308 Have you got any school parent friends that can help, I babysit there kids and they look after mine, been doing it for years, as I wouldn't get a break otherwise...

Seen the ages, even if two friends could have 2 each maybe