When is baby *not* going through regression

@sungw Definitely don’t believe in “regression” 😝 I think it’s just waves. Sh*t happens, they change sleep patterns, you readjust and they improve. Repeat. My guy is generally a great sleeper but STILL he has rough weeks or whatever… they don’t just develop on a steady incline!
@sungw Lmao this is my favorite. Are they going through a regression? No? Maybe a leap? No? Maybe a growth spurt? No? Maybe a developmental phase? No? Maybe a…. Jesus Christ they’re babies.
@sungw Oh, it's all a load of rubbish ♥️ your baby is just going to do it's thing.

Try to keep a general routine (ish), and get as much rest as possible xxxxxxxxxx

Sending strength and positive vibes X
@sungw I find the concept of sleep regression useful (despite being skeptical at first), IF I can be very specific about what sleep regressions are.

I don't define sleep regression ISN'T when baby used to sleep well at night but no longer is. It's not a useful concept. I know my baby isn't sleeping well when he isn't sleeping well. I don't need to call it by another name just because.

Causes of a baby sleeping well previously not sleeping well previously can include:

-development of sleep association

-needing a schedule change (approaching a nap transition)

-developed a sleep debt (disruption in routine, illness, teething, travel, sleep environment, etc)

-going through developmental stuff

The last (going through developmental stuff) is what I call a regression, and it does feel VERY distinct, like baby is doing great on the same schedule for weeks, and then suddenly starts rolling or rocking or crying out of separation anxiety or loitering at naps while nothing else has changed.

The key is knowing that you just need to ride regressions out and catch baby up on sleep as much as you can. Some schedule tweaks here and there can help, but no drastic changes (like dropping a nap) are needed usually.

My LO is a pretty standard baby and hit every single regression in the books (4.5mo rolling, 8mo rocking/crawling, 9mo separation anxiety, 10mo nap strike, 12mo nap strike) and is very susceptible to overtiredness so hit all the nap transition run ups pretty hard too (3.5-4mo 4-3, 6.5-7.5mo 3-2, slowly entering 2-1 phase now at 12.5mo). It's a struggle but differentiation between a need for schedule changes vs just a temporary regression definitely helps me manage his sleep.
@sungw Birth to 6mo is definitely crazy. Early morning sleep and naps are still maturing (so early morning wakings + crap naps galore), and sleep needs are changing so fast. It's still a ton of change after 6 months, but feels easier because:

-pace of change has slowed somewhat (compared to the first 6 months)

-you also gain experience at troubleshooting schedule

Hang in there!!! I made a guide "Overtired and Undertired" pinned to my profile summarizing some of my observations. Might help you in troubleshooting somewhat. Good luck!
@sungw For real. We sleep trained at 4 months and things got way better, but there’s been something every couple months since. We did have a really good couple weeks around 11 months but now that he’s 12 months it’s gotten rough again and he’s suddenly refused to go to sleep independently after 6 months. After a year, I’m tired and was really hoping I’d be getting more sleep at this point.
@soothsayer Yeah that’s what I’ve heard from lots of people.. sleep trained and then still went through the regressions and had to re-sleep train. Sigh
@sungw This is a huge reason why I hate the baby phase. The first year they are constantly changing. The second you think you have something down, they need to drop a nap, they need their schedule adjusted, they’re tackling a new milestone, they’re teething, etc. Once my first dropped to 1 nap at 14 months and all his teeth were in around the same time (not including 2 year molars of course), I feel like sleep has been pretty consistent since then. He’s almost 28 months now.
@cheekyogre Laughing and crying while reading your comment and all the comments cause it looks like we’re just starting “regression” w my 4 1/2 month old as I’m writing this lol
@sungw Maaannn I was saying the same thing.. when does it end??? And some pplnare like "ogg my LO never wrnt thru that, they sleep great.. blah blah blahh they sleep 10 to 12 hrs straight" im just finished 6 month regression...now 7 months regression.. im sure it will be every month
@auntiejelly Yeah… mine slept 7-8 hrs straight until 4 months. Since then (which coincided with her learning to roll) she gives maybe 3-4 hr stretches on a rare good night.