Going through it

@katrina2017 Yes! Showing up is so important. It’s hard to when no one is pouring into your cup also. There really needs to be a community for moms because I can see how much we all struggle with the same things
@cm0308 I know that moms are the majority but there are men tending to their kids alone under similar circumstances. I avoid using moms and use parents instead.
@cm0308 My abusive baby daddy literally rode off into the sunset with another single mom named Sunshine. He talks about how the boys will have a new sister soon (he doesn’t pay us child support). Sunshine, if you’re here, they should’ve named you Mudslide 💩
@cm0308 Make sure you're getting as much child support as possible. Have an open case, if the office isn't enforcing it, call them monthly. The squeaky wheel gets turned with that department.
There's no shame in public assistance including food banks. Take all the help you can get .

A lot of churches, especially larger ones will help out single families or low income people.

There's nothing wrong with having more than four children or a blended family but until you can catch your breath, I would get on some very sure fire birth control of you're doing any dating at all.

That my ex is out there living the good life without responsibility also drives me up the wall. I only have the bare minimum contact with him. Only about the children and only when absolutely necessary. I do not follow him or mutuals on social media. When family would try to give me updates about him, I would shut it down and say I'm not interested.

When I'm especially struggling I tell myself, even if I think it's lying at the time, that right now is a rough point. That everything looks dark because right now is a bad time. That it won't always be this way, that I just can't see it while in the thick of it
@cm0308 Sorry, I struggle with my two boys will time. Routine is key in feeling. Make sure you eat right and exercise, this is priority number one! Make time no excuse. You can deal with anything as long as you are well fed, exercised and sleep well. Remember that life is an unending series of complications, it doesn’t make any sense to be surprised at the arrival of the next one. Don’t fight the chaos, adapt to it.
@cm0308 I feel your frustration. I am a single mom too. If you can try to find sometime to take a hot bath, pray, and get good rest. When my son was younger once he was bathed & sleep I would use the free time to relax. Back then I had him on a 9 pm sleep schedule like clock work. Hang in there. You’re doing great! Give yourself a pat on the back 💫
@timehome 10, 8, 5 &6. We have a really good routine down, we go to bed at 830 but by that time I’m exhausted and crash also. The repetitiveness of everyday is really hard to
@cm0308 I'm literally the exact same way. The repetition is one of the main things that kills me every day. I haven't found a way to deal with it yet. I have no idea how to make it better with a 4yo and 4mo. Both are in bed by 8:30 at the latest. I have maybe 30 min to myself before I crash, too. I wish I knew how to make it better.
@giveitall I think at the end of the day it’s not meant to be like this for any of this and it’s insane to me how moms get shamed so hard. Definitely would thrive in communities but nowadays “villages” are non existent
@cm0308 I totally understand and it is hard! Hang in there. It will get better! Sending 💕. You’re a great mom & most of the time we are so consumed with our daily responsibilities that we forget that.
@cm0308 Hii..ohh woman I feel you and I am sorry to say this but I am happy to see that kind of posts..in a way of just being true!! We live in the world where all social media show us simple life with kids and the reality is way different. I live alone with 3 kids, no family around and their father has all the time in the world for himself. It is soo freaking hard at times that when I live through a hard day next day I think how did I do it? We all have a power inside us❤️❤️ single mom or single dad❤️❤️ u can do it one way or another, it will not be easy or so glamorous like on social media, but for me those small moments of joy with my kids..just give me some extra power to go on.
Take care in there and believe me there are just few of people who know tf they are doing..the rest of us normal human beings- wr just try to keep on going ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗 hold on there..you are not alone 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️
@cm0308 I just want to say I am a single mom of only one and a dog. That alone is a daunting task at times !
You got this and you have for more than 4 years ! One day your children will be able to make there own option of their mom and their dad and they will see all u did one day and still do.

I know it’s hard but u just keep pushing cause all this bull moot is what is making u u and stronger.

For the record you choose amazing for ur kids cause ur an amazing mother we can not control the disgusting human that helped u make them ! We control ourselves !
When it rains it pours I’m sure u know! But when the sun comes out those rainbows shine !!!!
You got this
@cm0308 Look to join different clubs and communities there is a moms club in almost every city in the USA. join a local church to get involved in the community. Try seeing if your mom can help watch the kids a Friday night or Saturday night so you're not overly worked.
@cm0308 Single mom here as well. Didn’t know I’d be a single mom until I was more than halfway through my pregnancy. Been doing it alone (thankfully with some help from my family) but it’s HARD. The fact that you keep going and keep getting through every day…. Right there shows that you are doing a good job!

I’ve come to realize that what kids will really remember once they’re old enough, is how much their mom did for them and how much she LOVED them. That will never go unnoticed in the eyes of our children.

It’ll get easier. Every day is a new day.