When is baby *not* going through regression

@sungw I honestly think all the ‘regressions’ and ‘leaps’ are completely made up by the influencers and ‘sleep experts’ selling teach your baby to sleep programs. Granted this is just my personal experience, but our LO never experienced a regression or leap, her fussiness seemed completely random. Also, this won’t be a popular opinion here, but babies can’t self soothe until beyond a year old and shouldn’t be expected to sleep through the night until then. These regression, leaps, and sleeping through the night from infancy are extremely American concepts that aren’t popular, or even known in Europe or the rest of the world.
@obg I agree that a lot of it is made up. In my part of Europe at least there is no talk about regressions. However, the concept of sleeping through the night (“faire ses nuits”) is definitely a thing that all parents talk about!
@obg I definitely don’t think they are made up, and anecdotally I’m sure lots would agree, however, I do agree that the sleep influencers use them to sell guides and all that for sure. I also agree that babies can’t self soothe this young and often will read how people had to re-sleep train their babies because at the next regression they stopped sleeping through the night. It’s all super normal as babies are just learning how to live, just find it funny that there’s a regression at every single month lol
@obg My daughter certainly could self soothe much earlier than 12 months and she slept easily through the night at 6 months after training with CIO. we also experienced no more regressions after that. So yeah, that’s just your personal experience.
@sungw Every time I feel like we make a breakthrough with sleeping, something happens and LO reverts right back.

Right now, I can’t tell if it’s 8mo regression, teething (we’ve got an unexpected lateral incisor break through the guns before front incisors have), clingy-ness (baby is usually SUPER independent, never wants to be held and fights to get out of your arms, used to go down for naps and bed so easily but now screams if you put him down or in bed), or is scared of unfamiliar locations (we just moved into a new house and baby screams every time he’s in his new room).

We JUST got him to sleep through the night like 2 weeks ago with the occasional dream feed between 530 and 6. Now he’s waking up multiple times a night. DH wants to let LO cry it out but I’m afraid LO will develop negative feelings about his new room.
@sungw My LO is going through one at 3 months🤷🏻‍♀️ I am like "honey couldn't you wait till 4 months for this!" She has taken upon herself to learn rolling in the middle of the night 🤦🏻
@tempusr2 Lol yup that’s what started mines as well, the rolling. And she’s get stuck on her tummy not knowing how to roll back yet. Luckily though eventually she started liking sleeping on her tummy so it wouldn’t instantly wake her up.
@sungw Nice! In desperation, I have ordered a bunch of sleep sacks claiming to ensure long hours of sleep for babies😁 let's see how that goes
@tempusr2 The only one that worked for us was that stupid space suit Merlin lol. We had her in that til 7m! Thankfully wasn't bad transitioning out of it but I know a lot get dependant.
@tempusr2 Do you have central air? It was still pretty warm up here in MA when we first used it so we just kept the air on and left her in a diaper underneath. Eventually it was footies cos it got pretty drafty in her room. But if you can keep your house around 68⁰ and just in a diape, I think it'll be ok!
@sungw Agreed. Literally couldn’t have put it any better. We’re 13mo today, I feel like sleep training gave me some temporary reprieve during 7-11mo but yea… the first year is a fricking roller coaster, period. Full stop.