16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

@pastorbenjohnson Feed her her favorite foods. At this point I’d be concentrating solely on getting (solid) calories in her, and not worrying about it being balanced. I think step 1 is getting her used to eating solids, whatever that takes.

Also I would be sitting her in her highchair for all her meals and spoon feeding her. Give her warm oatmeal made with formula. Put minced up fruit into in and chia seeds and stuff. For other foods like pancakes and stuff, to ensure she’s eating more than 2 bites I would be covering each bite I gave her with a squirt of her favorite puree pouch. For my lil guy this tricked him into eating a lot more food because he would taste the yummy puree and happily accept it into his mouth. Again I would be spoon-feeding her or hand-feeding her the food item myself. For my little guy I would sometimes even pre-chew the food a bit, then squirt puree, then give it to him. That way he wasn’t as put off from a big piece of “solid” in his mouth.

I would also still give one bottle of formula at night, right before bed. That’s it. And I would be doing half formula, half homo milk. Working towards more and more milk in the bottle over formula. This should reduce the night waking.

But I’m no expert! Good luck
@barb2204 Thank you so much. Today for lunch, I added her favourite puffs and yoghurt with some homemade nuggets that I snuck some veggies in. And because she had foods on the plate that she normally would put in her mouth she actually put some of the nugget in her mouth, which is a huge win for me. I think putting familiar foods on her plate makes her feel more safe and might push her to something on her plate that she usually doesn’t eat.
@pastorbenjohnson I think your pediatrician gave bad advice here unfortunately. For example, if your daughter was good at eating solids but strongly preferred the bottle, I would consider quitting cold turkey like this. But it sounds like she was never interested in solids.

Could you offer a small bottle instead and slowly wean down?

Leave snacks (cheerios etc) out when she’s playing to just reduce the pressure at mealtimes to eat, and keep mealtimes happy if possible. If the bottle = comfort and now table food = stress them yeah, I would cry for my bottle too.

This sounds so hard for all of you! But I think weaning slowly should work better. 2hrs of crying is so much 😭😭
@anlytcphil Thank you and yes you’re right I don’t agree with the advice and it has been sooo tough. Today we’ve made progress with food and I think it’s because I added two familiar foods on her plate along with one new food. This initiated her to at least put the new food into her mouth. I also gave her a bottle in the morning and before her nap, but it was 80% milk so that I can slowly wean off of the formula and not cause too much stress. She slept through the night, thankfully, and took a three hour nap. I feel like I can breathe and things are looking better.