When is baby *not* going through regression

@sungw My first baby was affected by sleep regressions in a very small way. It was either hardly noticeable, or the uptick in pickups lasted just long enough for me to go “what is happening?!?” And google search when the sleep regressions are.

My second baby CARES A LOT ABOUT SLEEP REGRESSIONS and would like to make sure everyone experiences them as well. 3 month fussies blended seamlessly into the 4 month sleep regression and we had two straight months of awfulness. She’s entertaining, at least, because she gets so angry that she’s awake and desperately wants to be back asleep.
@mark7871 Haha yeah mine wants us to go through it together too, she’ll happily fall asleep within a minutes if she’s on me but the crib? No way!
@sungw Oh ours was happy to sleep in her playpen beside us… for no more than 1 hr 59 min at a time and then feed and reset the sleep clock. Ouch I’m touched out on your behalf 😵‍💫
@sungw 1000 times this. It’s very random, and you just gotta do what you gotta do to manage and try at help the baby to sleep. Some people are very lucky! Others aren’t. Some have a proper regression at 4 months and then it goes away, others have 3 night wakings until 10 months…
@sungw My husband is like this to me whenever I say the baby's going through a growth spurt...he's like dude he's a baby his life is a growth spurt for about the next 16 years
@sungw Regressions are such a buzz word now. Besides 4 months where it really seems like kids go through something… baby sleep just changes. Even then Some kids don’t. Their brains are developing. Expecting things to be smooth sailing is just unrealistic. Based off this sub you’d think there is a monthly regression lasting two weeks each month starting at two weeks. As if it’s a well known thing as opposed to baby’s needs and state just being ever evolving.

Is it regression or progression? Aka your baby’s DEVELOPING as a little human.