Worst 6 hours of my life


New member
My wife was pregnant with our second child. We had seen a beating heart at 8 weeks, so we were rather confident already.

She was at 9+6 on Tuesday when she began spotting a little bit. She had never done that with our first so obviously, she got a little scared. She slept on it and in the morning, it was better, but then, it started bleeding a little more.

We went to the hospital, she got a gyn exam and we got an ultrasound where we even saw a beating heart. Doctor was reassured a little bit even with low HCG levels and told us to monitor evolution of bleeding. She slept again and even with the bleeding and clots, it was still looking good as it seemed under control and there was no pain. Then it went sideways.

This afternoon, she lost a big clot and started bleeding more. She also began cramping. We went to the ER and the bleeding got worse and worse. At that point she already felt like she had lost the baby, but nobody would confirm it. She just got out of surgery and it’s over now.

I know these things usually happen because the fetus was not going to be viable, but man it hurts. I’ve never felt this way in my entire life. Nearing 10 weeks, I thought we had turned a corner and were heading to safer times, and then we got blindsided like this.

Going to stay in this sub, because I like reading all the stories, good or bad, but it’s hard knowing that my wait is now going to be longer before I have another child. Cherish all the moments and the dreams because life is so fragile. Especially at these stages.

EDIT: it’s so weird how I didn’t relate to that kid as much as our first one, maybe because their was no gender or name yet… but now that it’s gone, I do feel like I lost a child and all the stories that I was going to have with my family of four that included THIS child. There are no words.
@eileen7316 Sending hugs friend, Unfortunately, people don't talk about it, but it's very, very, very common and you're definitely not alone.
Just be there for each other.
I always honor your little one
@eileen7316 A very hard day and I feel for you man. There are no words, I am in a very similar position right now, 12 weeks and bleeding and it’s terrifying. Was in the hospital a few days ago and just praying it doesn’t get worse. I have a 10yo boy from a previous relationship but this will be my wife’s first and I felt so bad seeing her bleeding and crying and assuming it was over. Scary and heart wrenching. For now we are just wait and see. So much excitement building and it can be over in a few hours.

All we can do is be grateful our partners and kids are still healthy and there’s a chance to try again.

Sending my love to you both and make sure you hug your wife tight and do everything you can to be strong and be there for her, she will need it.
@eileen7316 Pregnancy loss is hard to talk about. Kudos to you for posting here. It’s one of the hardest things you can go through as a parent.

This might be weird, but there’s a song from Taylor Swift called Bigger Than the Whole Sky that was super cathartic for me and my wife. We just laid in bed and cried listening to it. Lyrically, it was exactly what I needed to hear to help me process everything.
@javaqueen2 Just listened to it. I wish my wife also understood English because it’s just so fitting right now. I will make sure to translate it so that we can listen to it together.

Thank you.
@eileen7316 Hugs. We went through two losses before our first success (Well, technically still another couple weeks). The second of the two losses about the same time as yours - though ours was less dramatic. Just a checkup with a "Sorry, not there any more".

It's heart breaking for sure. Nothing you can do which is so frustrating.
@eileen7316 I somehow just stumbled upon this post. Must of been God’s timing or something.

About 1.5 years ago, we went through this exact thing (minus the surgery).

She was about 10+2 when the bleeding came out of no where and it just wouldn’t stop. It was a very long 24-48 hours of emotional pain. As you know. Followed by a hospital visit that confirmed our worst nightmare.

I still have the teddy bear and cute onesie that my wife laid out on the bed to tell me she was pregnant. It was my first and I had never been happier. Our life seemed like it was going pitch perfect. For the longest time, they were shoved in a drawer until one day I grabbed them. Still in the box to this day.

I still imagine (and forever will) what it will be like when I get to meet that child one day in heaven.

But right now she needs you more, then she has ever needed you before. I remember her being heart broken, she just carried a child for more than 2 months and in an instant it was gone.

All I can say it’s fucking hard. It sucks. I cried a little extra hard, in my home office, for several nights. Because I knew she needed a rock in that time of life.

It does get better though.

2 weeks ago we welcomed our first baby girl. That teddy bear from our lost child now sits in her room :)

My thoughts and prayers are with you brother.
@kjvbible1611 I think the perspective that the husband has to support the wife and not seek the support he needs is not helpful. I’m sorry you cried alone in your office, I do not want that for you or OP. I hope you are able to ask for your needs to be met when you experience the grief again as grief never really ends (just ebbs and flows).

OP, you and your wife both just suffered loss and are grieving. You both deserve support and space to grieve. Please allow yourself support and ask for your needs to be met. You and your wife will likely need external support as you are both grieving. Your grief doesn’t disappear or become less important because your wife carried. Your pain matters and you deserve support and love.

If you do not know how to identify what you need to feel loved and supported as you grieve and/or do not know how to simultaneously support your wife’s needs during this time or do not have external support that you can lean on while you both grieve, I highly highly recommend finding a counselor or therapist who can support you in this time.
@eileen7316 Your current situation mirrors mine to an unbelievable degree, so I’m right there with you in how you’re currently feeling. It’s fucking hard mate. All we can do is give it a little time and try again.

Keep healthy my friend. ‘Tis but a road bump along the way (as hard as that is to truly accept).
@eileen7316 Yup. Exact same thing here. We had an ultrasound that our GP organised. Then at the first consult w our obgyn around the same time as you we got the merch bag, went through the schedule/fees/procedure etc. and at the end of that appt we did a scan, no heartbeat. It was excruciating. My thoughts are with you mate - stick around, you’re defs still a predad!! 🤛
@eileen7316 My condolences man. The similar happened my wife and I over the summer (would have been our first). In our case, after the procedure, they were able to tell us it was Turner syndrome and a rare chance to happen again (despite this being our 2nd MC). Best of luck to you and the family.
@eileen7316 Two miscarriages for us, heartbreak each time grieving the dream of the child-to-be. We finally had a child, total joy, who is now 35 yo. Nature has her reasons.