When your newborn is 40


New member
I am on this sub because I have 8 grandbabies (youngest is 4 weeks) and I’m trying to stay up to date with current modern thinking. Allow me to encourage you new moms in this: today one of my daughters (40) was very sick. I took her to the emergency room. We spent the whole day there. On the way home, we were just talking and all of a sudden she put her hand on my arm and said “mom, I love you so much.” So if your baby is not sleeping or not eating or you just feel really overwhelmed… it’s worth it. I’m crying as I write this because I know my daughter will be grief stricken when I am gone, and I just hate the thought of hurting her like that. Babyhood doesn’t last for too long, and then you get to enjoy your child for the rest of your life. It works out.
@sunny12051988 As a mother to a 20 and 22 year old I fully agree with your post. And being a grandmother to a 10 month old is amazing. Fair play to you for trying to staying up to date with things. Like me I'm sure you see a huge difference in raising children while some things haven't changed at all. Watching my daughter raising her own child has been such a privilege. She is one of the reasons I found thus group I was worried about what I've forgotten and I have a 4 month old myself.
@harrison19 If I’m reading this correctly you have a child 6 months younger than your grandchild - my mother had this same situation and they have a lovely relationship - her sister had a baby the year before she herself was born. How nice that you get to share this experience with your daughter
@meeee Yes you are reading this correctly. My grandmother was the same. My aunt is nine months older than me. We grew up together. My daughter and I were both pregnant at the same time but gave birth in different years. My granddaughter was born in July and my daughter the following January. My older daughter lives a bit away from us so we don't get to see each other much but my baby adores her big sister.